Page 27 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 27

Chinh Nguyên

            She was the silent love songs by her fair words and smiles in
            Nguyen’s wild forest soul. The songs have not the keynotes for
            consonance,  but  they  made  Nguyen’s  soul  vibrated  as  the
            instrument  within  quiet  for  himself.  She  looks  like  a  beautiful
            wildflower in the thick forest of the Ban-Me-Thuot high land,
            that made Nguyen cannot change its perfume and remember to
            live  with  until  the  flame  of  war  was  spreading  out  on  over
            country,  and  most  the  young  man  got  into  the  camps  to  learn
            about killing other.

                Vietnam  was  divided  two  North  and  South  by  the  dirty
            politicians of Communist and Colonials in Geneva Conference
            on July 21, 1954; they set up the puppet governments on both
            sides without regard to Vietnamese people. Also, the people on
            both  sides  learned  that  their  leaders  talk  about  love  and  equal
            opportunity, but they did not see the performance of their leaders
            for the true love to live in peace.

                A few years later after Bay-Vien was down in the South by
            Diem  Dinh  Ngo’s  force,  North  Vietnam  opened  the  first
            battlefield Dong-Soai, Ba-Ria, Vung-Tau at 1960, and Ho-Chi-
            Minh  started  the  second  Indochina  war  to  bring  the  regard  of
            Vietnam war into the world.

                Midyear 1961 May 15, North Vietnam Communist opened
            three faces

                tactical  Cambodia,  South  Lao  and  parallelled  17  to  threat
            South Vietnam in daily, while all the public radio stations have
            tried  to  compress  the  war  news  in  the  air.  At  the  same  time,
            president Diem sent a letter to USA president John F. Kennedy
            for economy and arms emergency help.

                Also,  he  issued  the  military  enforcement  to  defend  South
            Vietnam after all forces were considering for the war of defense.
            These situations pushed South Vietnam slowly falling deep into
            the  United  States  modern  colonialism,  which  has  been

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