Page 197 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 197

Chinh Nguyên

                Vietminh did not want their defector alive to tell about the
            evil communist actions and dirty secret ideas to the public and
            the  free  world.  Therefore  some  time  Vietminh  terrorists  had
            killed all member family of those defectors to threat another and
            kept communist party in the dark.  A lot of the people had stuck
            in  the  Vietminh’s  trap  along  with  their  painful  life  and  their
            families  painful  suffering.  They  had  no  way  to  get  out  of  the
            Communist system after they followed Vietminh with their spirit
            idea of resisting French colonial for a free country.

                Vietminh  used  the  tactics  posting  snipers  in  the  village,
            where they knew clearly to be the profit for feeding the troops
            and  advantageous  places  in  the  guerrilla  war.  They  set  up  a
            dozen  soldier  snipers  in  the  village  to  be  the  farmers.  Those
            soldiers will check of the French militarist troop's situation and
            shot a few French soldiers then run off before the rest of French
            militarist troops reached the village.

                French  militarist  troops  were  unable  to  know  who  was
            Communist soldier member in the large farmer civilian, whom
            they  met  and  arrested  on  the  war  field.  They  shot  the  able
            persons,  whom  they  found  in  the  suspicious  situation  by  their
            crisis  of  die  and  fearing.  Therefore  the  Vietnam  War  took  a
            hundred civilian lives every week by both sides to claim their

                In 1949, China Communist army linked up with Vietminh
            army  in  the  southern  province  of  China.  Red  China  sent  the
            advisor to guide Vietminh troops fighting with French militarist,
            helped  Vietminh  to  train  officer  at  Hoang-Pho  in  China  and
            nearby  Vietnam  border.  Soviet-supplied  Vietminh  equipment
            warfare, financing and supported Vietminh to communicate with
            US government. With that help, Ho-Chi-Minh felt deep into the
            Communist  system  and  linked  with  the  Communist
            organizations in the Soviet Union as all the vassals.

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