Page 212 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 212

Thorn In The Heart

             Colonial and Japanese fascist in the First Indochina War as
         slavery  for  their  masters  over  a  century.  It  was  much  more
         dreadful  for  the  Vietnamese  people  as  the  animal  along  with
         their  blood,  tears,  and  painful  suffering  after  Japanese  fascist
         won French militarist in Indochina 1943. Japanese fascist used
         the scorched earth tactics to make their enemy shortage supplies
         by  burning  all  the  paddies  in  North  Vietnam.  They  let  North
         Vietnam falling into the starvation of 1945 with their cold faces,
         and  Vietnamese  die  near  million  people  by  hungry.  Therefore
         Vietnamese’s blood always cares the hated to any foreign force
         that deployed on their land and tried to rule them. They hoped
         soon they will fight back the Colonials with their full force of
         the people's unification and throw their enemy out of Vietnam.

             February 09, 1945, Ho-Chi-Minh used the Vietnam slavery
         history in his declaration of Independence and  Right at Ba-Dinh
         garden, got the supporter of the farmer, poor and worker class.
         Ho-Chi-Minh’s  call  made  the  regard  in  public  since  few
         Vietnam  National  Movements,  and  more  intellectuals  were
         hurry and easy to take his worlds to be with their side. Therefore
         Vietminh  had  public  reinforce  to  continue  resisting  the  cruel
         foreign  rules  for  their  determination  of  independence  and  free
         land  for  the  next  generations.  Thus  Vietminh  (Vietnam
         Independence  League,  alias  Vietnam  Communist  party)  led
         Vietnamese people to fight with their enemy in struggling blood
         and sacrificed themselves for Communism idea.

             Japanese  fascist  lost  the  allied  forces  in  Asia  battle  of  the
         Midway, Philippines, Korea, and after American force dropped
         two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to make Japan
         dropping  deep  into  the  disaster.  It  was  the  immediate
         consequence for Japanese fascist, who made the World broken
         apart  on  Asia  with  their  cold  blood  and  without  emotion.
         Japanese Fascist had landed without natural resources since they
         had dominated dream as German and Italian. Together three of

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