Page 260 - Thorn In The Heart
P. 260

Thorn In The Heart

             Since the unbalance situations between both sides, many of
         precious French bundles ended up in the Vietminh's hands, and
         slowly count day by day to die in a dangerous situation.

             After a few weeks of the heavy fight under the rain and cold
         wind forest, both sides do not have time to bury the dead and
         help the wounded. The casualties died on the combat few days
         without  burring,  but  they  broke  up  again  and  again  by  bombs
         and  heavy  canons  of  both  sides.  They  were  lying  all  over  the
         muddy blood valley with bad smelling and the fliers, that only
         one  kind  pleased  for  the  killing  and  was  not  afraid  for  the

             On March 20, 1954, Vietminh Forces were slowly closing
         on the ground with the heavy canons support, continued toward
         the central French camps and the Strongpoint Gabrielle in North
         Valley. At the same time, the Strongpoint Isabelle at South had
         closed combat in the bunkers and trenches to gain every ground
         foot,  and  both  sides  had  lost  with  nearly  ten  thousand  soldier

             At  next  day,    the  Vietminh  special  armed  was  a  rise  in
         suddenly at the French central area from the tunnels. They took
         a  halting  day  closed  fight  with  the  5th  Vietnam  paratrooper
         battalion  to  overwhelming  the  Airstrip  after  Lieutenant  Pham-
         Van-Phu was a prisoner. They also were pouring into the camps
         with many casualties lay on the ground by French machine guns
         and mines.

             This situation clear that French troops were in danger, will
         have heavy lost the battle, and will not be strong enough to resist
         Vietminh  force  anywhere  in  Vietnam.    French  Army  chief  of
         staff, General Paul Ely had only hoped the United States might
         enter  the  Vietnam  War  to  save  French  troops  as  the  secret
         promise before the struggle of Dien-Bien-Phu battle.

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