Page 12 - TTMA 75th Annual Convention Bulletin
P. 12
Copies of the full video presentation are available by request via email to
Click here to download a copy of Pat Thomas’ presentation
Our final speaker was Mr. Thom Albrecht, CFA, President of Sword & Sea
Transport Advisors, LLC. Mr. Albrecht has covered transportation since
1988. Since the fall of 2016 he has been President of Sword & Sea Transport
Advisors, focused upon market research, growth strategies and capacity Chairman Dale Jones with Thom Albrecht
overviews for carriers and shippers. Click here to view Mr. Albrecht’s
professional bio.
Mr. Albrecht focused his presentation on a specific segment of Last Mile with his presentation titled E-Commerce & Last
Mile Services (heavy, bulky items). According to Mr. Albrecht, consumers are becoming increasingly more comfortable with
ordering heavy, bulky items online, which will have a significant effect on the industry.