Page 3 - TTMA 75th Annual Convention Bulletin
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             2017-2018 Officers:
             Chairman of the Board:   Rick Mullininx, Great Dane Trailers

             Vice Chairman of the Board:   Gary Smith, Kentucky Trailer
             President:   Jeffrey Sims, TTMA
             Treasurer:   Menno Eby, M.H. Eby, Inc.
             Chairman Policy Committee:   Dan Giles, Fontaine Trailer Company
             Vice Chairman Policy Committee:   Dale Jones, Timpte, Inc.
             Chairman, TTMA Convention Committee:   Gary Smith, Kentucky Trailer
             (also serves as Vice Chairman of the Board)
             Vice Chairman, TTMA Convention Committee, New 2nd Vice Chair:   Bob Wahlin, Stoughton Trailers, LLC

             The Board of Directors will be:
             Dave de Poincy, East Manufacturing Corporation
             Lloyd Elias, Lode-King Industries
             Frank Flowers, General Engines Company, Inc.
             Gary Gaussion, Silver Eagle Manufacturing
             Jan Hoover, Strick Trailers, LLC
             Jay Kulyk, Rogers Brothers Corporation
             Everett Merritt, Merritt Trailers, Inc.
             Bill Persinger, Wilson Trailer Company
             John Rust, Trail King Industries, Inc.

             Tank Conference:
             Tom Anderson, LBT, Inc. - Chairman of the Tank Executive Conference
             Peter Weis, Polar Tank Trailer LLC - Vice Chairman of the Tank Executive Conference
             John Cannon, Wabash National Corporation
             Zach Coley, Heil Trailer International
             David Shannon, MAC LTT, Inc.
             Daniel Tremblay, Tremcar, Inc.

             Ex-Officio Directors:
             Dale Jones                                Timpte, Inc.             2016-2017
             Dan Giles                    Fontaine Trailer Company            2015-2016
             Dick Giromini                Wabash National Corporation         2014-2015
             Andy Tanner                  Talbert Manufacturing               2013-2014
             Grant Smith                  West-Mark                           2012-2013
             Glenn Harney                 Hyundai Translead                   2011-2012
             Jeff Pitts                   Pitts Enterprises, Inc.             2008-2009
             Dave Shannon                 MAC LTT, Inc.                       2007-2008
             Menno Eby                    M. H. Eby, Inc.                     2005-2006
             Charles Dutil                Manac                               2004-2005
             Bob Foster                   Heil Trailer International          1998-1999
             Don Wahlin                   Stoughton Trailers, LLC             1987-1988
             Paul Bennett                 Utility Trailer Manufacturing Co.   1982-1983
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