Page 38 - TTMA 75th Annual Convention Bulletin
P. 38




               At Marsh & McLennan Agency, our Trailer Manufacturing Insurance and Risk
               Mangement Group is led by John Kerr, a Risk Management veteran who has
               spent the majority of his career working on manufacturing risks and focusing
               on resolving exposures unique to trailer manufacturers.

               OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU               SUPPORTING THE TRAILER                “There is no doubt that
               Our responsibility to trailer manufacturers                               John Kerr is dedicated to
               extends well beyond the placement of your   John regularly travels to Washington D.C.    our industry and that he is
               insurance policy. In fact, placing your policy   in order to increase awareness of the issues   aware of the issues we face
               is just the beginning.              affecting the trailer manufacturing industry.   as trailer manufacturers.  I’ve
                                                   Over the past five years, John has met with   worked with John on insurance
               We collaborate with trailer manufacturing   over 40 Congressional Members and their
               experts to build and deliver tailor-made   staff to promote issues important to you.   programs with success and
               services and resources to our clients.                                    walked the Halls of Congress
               These services are specialized for trailer   In addition to these efforts, John has worked   with him as an advocate for all
               manufacturers and are here to support you   with the Department of Transportation   trailer manufacturers. ”
               and your business.                  (DOT) and the National Highway Traffic
                                                   Safety Administration (NHTSA) on safety,
               RISK PREVENTION SERVICES:           reporting and regulatory issues.      Tom Grieshaber, Liberty, Inc.
                  • Accident Investigation Team
                 Operator error is the number one cause   John also supports the trailer manufacturing   For more information about Trailer
                 of insurance claims, not manufacturing   industry as a speaker and author of risk   Manufacturing Risk Management
                 defects. Our team investigates claims   related topics for trailer manufactures.   services and other services provided
                 to determine the extent of human error                                  by Marsh & McLennan Agency,
                 contributing to the loss and we defend   Topics include:                please contact:
                 that position vigorously.
                                                      • Product Liability Concerns: Debunking
                  • OEM Risk Transfer Program - Our   Insurance Misconceptions           JOHN KERR, CIC
                 program is designed to reassign risk to                                 Certified Insurance Counsel
                 OEMs and reduce your overall exposure.     • Strategies to Improve Your Insurance   Manufacturing Practice Group
                  • Defense Documentation - We work with                                 +1 913 529 3264
                 you to improve your documentation to     • The Implications of the Mod Split Point  Mobile +1 913 961 6165
                 better protect your business in the event     • Taking Ownership of Your Insurance
                 of a claim.                         Program
                  • Workers’ Compensation Solutions     • Sate of the Line - A Mid-Year Report on   Marsh & McLennan Agency, LLC
                 Together, we create a one-year and   Rates and Trends                   7015 College Blvd. Suite 400
                 three-year Loss Control action plan to                                  Overland Park, Kansas 66211-1671
                 reduce employee injuries and insurance     • Workers’ Compensation Claims Red Flags

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