Page 3 - Teaching Studies Part B
P. 3
An Ideal teacher (from the 15 statements of awareness) that the school needs.
1. An ideal teacher is critically conscious, socially just and inclusive of all children and
the cultural funds of knowledge, they possess. In this regard, cultural inclusion and
the value of indigenous knowledge, so that all ways of knowing are incorporated
into teaching and learning.
2. An ideal teacher is a role model and he/she subscribe to a pedagogy of care
(Nodding, 1988) because the emotional, physical and social well-being of children
a primary concern (in line with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs) before successful
teaching and learning is possible.
3. An ideal teacher welcomes parents and communities as equal partners and works
to include their engagement in teaching and learning through constant
communication and feedback.
4. An ideal teacher embraces the change 4IR will bring into the classroom specifically
and into life in general. Children are taught adaptive expertise and innovative
approaches towards addressing constant change. Effective inclusion of AI and
other technology towards an evolution of learning is embraced in the classroom
and beyond.
5. An ideal teacher knows that true learning begins with a question, with a stimulus
of curiosity and discovery and in an environment where learners feel safe enough
to fail. The concept of failing forward (learning from mistakes) is rewarded and
6. An ideal teacher teaches today the kind of learning children need for tomorrow. In
this regard creativity, innovation, critical thinking and problem solving which are
needed as 21 century skills are focused on through innovative and self-organized
learning environments that are deliberately and mindfully created.
7. An ideal teacher irrespective of specialization is also a teacher of language.
Literacy support happens through content and language integrated learning.
Language is considered a resource and space is opened for every learner to
participate confidently and equally towards the bigger project of knowing.