Page 4 - Teaching Studies Part B
P. 4

8.  An  ideal  teacher  knows  that  that  the  work  of  learning  extends  outside  of  the

                       classroom, that learners can deepen their understandings through peer sharing,
                       engaging  with  members  of  the  community  and  with  experts  in  the  field  both

                       physically and through technology.

               The “ideal” teacher that Parktown Boys’ high school would need (verbatim

               Khoza N- the ideal teacher that is needed at Parktown Boys’ high school, is the type of

               teacher that will complement and correlate with the school’s context. A teacher that instills
               an aura of inclusivity amongst all the learners and the stake holders in the school. It is an

               ideal  teacher  that  recognizes  diversity  in  terms  of  academic  performance,  learners’

               cognitive abilities, cultural diversity, religious and ethnicity of both the learners and the
               staff members. An ideal teacher that understands that all learners can learn but, they do

               not learn at the same pace.

               Simelane  P-  To  add  on  the  above,  it  needs  a  teacher  that  subscribes  to  a  caring

               pedagogy, who takes into consideration the emotional well-being of the learners’ which
               means the teacher is able to identify when everyone is in high spirit or not, able to find

               out what might be bringing a learner down, physical well-being which include the learners

               lifestyle, behavior, and choices, an ideal teacher will be able to identify when this is being
               compromised and try to guide the learner into the correct path and also pays attention to

               the learners relationships with their family, their peers and their teacher. If a problem is
               encountered the teacher works together with the parents and the experts in the field.

               An ideal teacher that would be needed at the schools would be a teacher who provides
               learners opened space to participate confidently and equally towards the bigger project

               of  knowing.  An  ideal  teacher  who  commends  freedom  of  speech  and  freedom  of

               expression in any language that is appropriate and is in line with the schools’ etiquette.
               The ideal teacher that would be needed at the school is a teacher that is in line with the

               schools’ context has to be a teacher that provides equal learning opportunities and equal
               assessment opportunities. A teacher that stimulates learners minds and understands that

               the learners are not tubula rasa however, they do possess some form of knowledge of

               the subject content he/she addresses learners’ misconceptions and rewards learners for
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