Page 20 - Poetic Journey For America's Veterans
P. 20

  By Sam Weaver
A Poem for Jane Cash
Jeremiah Chapter 31, Verse 3.
I have loved you with an everlasting love.
Whenever I think
Of love tried and true Jane my thoughts always Reflect back to you
Your love for Eddie Jane is very great You're not just his wife You're his soul mate
The Veitnam war Haunts your Eddie so And God in heaven Knows it took it's toll
For his hurts go beyond
What words could ever share But through those hurts Jane You were always there
When his haunted past Clouded his mind Eddie would leave for Long periods of time
But where ever he went To sooth his pain
The road always lead Back to you Jane
For whatever Battle
He fought in his mind
He knew through Jesus Your love, was his life line
Whenever I think
Of love tried and true
Jane Cash my thoughts always Reflect back to you

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