Page 3 - Prospective Member Packet
P. 3

W   W  A

                                                       O   M

                         To disciple CEOs and senior executives of major corporations so every employee might be
                                               influenced by a Christ-following leader.

                                                      O   H
    In 1995, seven CEOs spent a day together in Chicago around a shared interest of integrating faith and biblical values into the
    marketplace along with a need to address the isolation experienced by those leading companies of significant size. This unique need for
    discipleship (safe relationship, teaching, encouragement, and prayer) among our nation’s top Christian leaders resulted in the formation of
    CEO Forum. Since that time, the Forum has become a close-knit community of approximately 200 CEOs and senior executives of major

                                                      O   C
   Our nation and world are in desperate need of moral leadership - competent, caring, virtuous, and civil Godly leaders who believe in and
   live out the gospel power of Jesus Christ. One of the best places for that to happen is the marketplace. We know the vast majority of Jesus’
   work was done in the marketplace not at the Temple. These days few attend Church, but most go to work. Therefore, marketplace leaders
   can be the “new clergy” of our time. As such, CEO Forum (Forum) seeks to come alongside marketplace leaders of national influence,
   equipping and discipling them and their families to serve and lead in their God-given platforms for incredible Kingdom work.
   D Dr. Henry Blackaby once asked me, “Do you think the world needs the touch of God today?” My answer is yes, and I pray it comes in a
   powerful way through the work of the Forum in the days and years to come. Indeed, the touch of God has always, and will always, come
   through men and women of faith – believing in and respecting the authority and power of God. Names like Washington, Wilberforce, Liddell,
   Bonhoeffer, Robinson, and Mother Teresa are leaders of faith. They are world touching, world changing leaders – faithfully serving God
   when culture tells them otherwise. These leaders held pure power to change what really matters because they kept the word of God and
   did not deny His name.
   The Bible records that King David served Godhe Bible records that King David served God’s purposes in his generation as leader of Israel (Acts 13:36). In like manner, the Forum seeks
   to equip world touching, world changing business leaders for God’s purposes in this generation who turn to God for His wisdom and vision,
   having faith in His provision and power to do this work.

                                                        O   W
   Our work is with marketplace leaders of major corporations and their families who face significant pressures, making crucial decisions on a
   daily and often hourly basis. These leaders manage a large portion of America’s economy and create business practices and policies
   modeled not only in the United States, but around the world. Competitive and on the cutting edge, they are a sometimes silent but powerful
   voice in the ongoing transformation of the nation’s culture. However, they are a largely isolated segment of society – their intense
   environment is often a lonely one, demanding long hours and tough choices. Christ-following executives who seek to base their leadership
   in the marketplace on faith and biblical values are frequently deprived of relationships in churches, families, and at work with like-minded n the marketplace on faith and biblical values are frequently deprived of relationships in churches, families, and at work with like-minded
   men and women. It is this distinct niche the CEO Forum strives to fill.
                                                       O   V
    Our vision is to be a premier Christ-centered, discipling and spiritual leadership development organization serving the needs of leaders of
    national influence and their families to change the world! It is our unique approach to the Great Commission – serving those who are
    uniquely gifted and positioned by God with platforms of influence to have a significant impact for His Kingdom through their professional
    and personal lives.

                                                       O   P
   The Forum's promise is to be a Christ-centered ministry focused on personal relationship, discipleship, and leadership development
   with a goal of transforming CEOs and senior executives into national leaders for God. This promise is built upon seven foundational
   commitments listed below.

   1. Bible – we will uphold the Bible, its authority, and application in members’ lives.
   2. Prayer – we will pray with diligence for all members and their families.
   3. Refuge – we will be a spiritual refuge, providing pastoral care for CEOs and senior executives and their families.
   4.. Discipleship – we will provide high touch, high quality Christ-centered discipleship through a network of gifted and experienced
    executives, spiritual coaches, and prayer partners.
   5. Leadership – we will provide spiritual leadership development through innovative/exclusive educational programs designed for members’
    distinct leadership challenges.
   6. Relationship – we will actively manage regional and national venues for relationship development, spiritual encouragement, and
      equipping to nourish the spiritual “health” of the CEO and his/her family.
   7.. Growth – we will extend the Forum’s mission and reach to those CEOs and senior executives not yet touched and serve as a catalyst and
    hub of strategic Christ-centered leadership development.
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