Page 8 - Prospective Member Packet
P. 8
Becoming a Spiritual Leader of Influence
As I reflect over my me in SLI, it is clear that the path to becoming a “Spiritual Statesman” is a journey. It is one that
requires great prepara on, discipline and ability to get back up when you fail. Unlike other personal or professional
journeys that I have pursued, this one requires a recogni on that you cannot accomplish this yourself — but need the
guiding hand of the Holy Spirit. This in itself is a “relearning” process that has required me to set aside a life me of
training and individual striving to accept and embrace a dependence on God. It has been a sacrifice and commitment of
me and effort — but it is well worth it!
— Kevin Cramton, Opera ng Partner
Spiritual Leaders of Influence Next Generation (SLING)
SLI—Next Genera on is a highly rela onal, transforma onal spiritual leadership development course for “key talent”
professionals seeking growth and excellence as leaders for Christ in the marketplace. This is an opportunity for
par cipants to learn from the Forum’s highly qualified faculty with a special SLI class for younger marketplace leaders.
This class will meet 3 mes per year for a 24-hour teaching session and small group exchange. Over the 3 years of
SLING, par cipants will also be paired with a member of the CEO Forum in a mentoring/discipling rela onship. This
mentor will be an SLI graduate and is a vital aspect of what makes SLI so unique.
Spiritual Leaders of Influence Graduate (SLIG 2.0)
Spiritual Leaders of Influence Graduate provides a con nued rela onship and a
strong biblically challenging experience. SLIG is more graduate in nature
(readings, reflec on and small group discussion). The idea is that these
graduates be challenged with topics and presenters that align with the idea of
living out their faith in business. The teaching is more student oriented, rather
than teacher focused. The format is also different from the other SLI offerings
being a 2 eing a 2 year/6 session format.