Page 9 - Prospective Member Packet
P. 9
Zoom Talks
The CEO Forum membership consists of an amazing amount of people
who are great resources and experts on key topics. From Mike Farris
with ADF to Jose Zeilstra, with Gender Fair, just to name a few who
have shared. In addi on, ZoomTalks will tap into others who have
exper se in living out one’s faith in business.
Brent Garrison, our VP of Educa on, along with the en re staff at
CEO Forum, is excited about the Zoom Talk library growing and
serving as a resource for our membership.
The CEO Forum is blessed with members who are authen c Christ
followers, who have stories to share on how God has worked in
their lives as leaders. These monthly devo onals (wri en by members
of the CEO Forum) will speak powerfully to you and encourage you in
leading from a biblical founda on.
Company Visits
Several mes each year the CEO Forum hosts company visits.
The intent of these company visits is to hear from Forum
members how they live out their faith in the business world as
well as be exposed to world-class companies and discuss
leadership and best prac ces.
In 2017, we went to Chick-fil-A headquarters to hear how they
c create their unique culture and their leadership model. Our
group was hosted by Chick-fil-A president (and Forum member),
Tim Tassopoulos. In the spring of 2019 we plan to visit the
San Francisco Bay Area – including visits with VMWare,
Cisco, Google and Facebook. Our host will be Dr. Pat Gelsinger,
CEO of VMWare.
Colloquy & W hite Papers
Two other great resources for members are special colloquy’s and white papers focused on a variety of topics facing
today’s leaders. These resources provide intellectual, authorita ve, and prac cal thinking along with though ul
prac ces and strategies on leading in challenging mes for followers of Christ.
The CEO Forum
15475 Gleneagle Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80921