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               The New York City District Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society of the
               A.M.E. Zion Church is elated that you chose to attend our first Presidential High Tea
               With Hatitude to celebrate today’s Presidential Honorees of our 18 churches that

               comprise the “Mother” District of Zion Methodism.  Their labor in God’s mission field
               is without compare – victoriously going the second mile to supply and service the
               Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) in thought, word and deed.

               Our General Chairperson, Cynthia Wilson, along with the dynamic leadership team

               are saluted for their exceptional role in this distinct and singular occasion to close the
               2015-2019 Quadrennium.

               We know that without the Pastors and lay missionaries that give their best to the
               Master for Missions, this celebration could not be possible – Thank You!

               We acknowledge our great leader of the NYC District,  Rev.  A. Alfred Carson,

               Presiding Elder, who makes “Mission” a priority in this part of God’s vineyard called
               the A.M.E. Zion Church.

               Again, “thank you” to each of you for your presence, and may you experience a joyful
               time as we gather as one in the family of Christ!

                                                  Cynthia Wilson
               Dorian m. carson                                             verdelle cunningham
               Steering committee                                                    Steering committee
                                                     RUTH YOUNG
                                 DISTRICT PRESIDENT  NEW YORK CITY – w.h.&o.m.s.


                       CHAIRPERSON ....................................................................................... CYNTHIA WILSON
                       STEERING COMMITTEE ............................................................. VERDELLE CUNNINGHAM
                                                                                  DORIAN M. CARSON
                                                                                         JOAN CAPEL
                                                                                        RUTH YOUNG
                       DECORATION ..................................................... FIRST CHURCH & STEERING COMMITTEE
                       CULINARY .................................................................................. VERDELLE CUNNINGHAM
                       AWARDS ........................................................................................ STEERING COMMITTEE
                       JOURNAL ...................................................................................................... RUTH YOUNG
                       TICKETS.................................................................................................. CYNTHIA WILSON
                       REPORTER ....................................................................................... KATHRYN F. WARREN
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