Page 354 - Installation Training Binder FIT1-3
P. 354
STORAGE CONDITIONS strate will make the material stiff and difficult to apply.
Store all components between 50-75°F/10-24°C in a Warm areas or areas in direct sunlight must be
dry area. Keep out of direct sunlight. Avoid excessive shaded or arrangements made to work during
heat and do not freeze. The shelf life is one year in the evenings or at night. A warm substrate (60°F/15°C to
original, unopened container. 80°F/27°C) will aid in the material’s workability;
however, a hot substrate (80°F/27°C to 100°F/37°C)
Twenty-four hours before application, all materials or a substrate directly in the sun will shorten the
(components A and B, aggregate, etc.) should be material’s working time and can cause other
stored at 70-85°F/21-29°C to facilitate handling. phenomenon such as pinholing and bubbling.
Substrate temperature should be greater than 5°F/3°C
General If the temperature is expected to drop below
Proper preparation is critical to ensure an adequate 50°F/10°C use Semstone 140CT.
bond. The substrate must be dry and free of all wax,
grease, oils, fats, soil, loose or foreign materials and
laitance. Laitance and unbonded cement particles APPLICATION
must be removed by mechanical methods, i.e., Priming
abrasive blasting or scarifying. Other contaminants Apply Semstone 110 Primer in accordance with the
may be removed by scrubbing with a heavy-duty product data sheet. Allow the primer to cure prior to
industrial detergent and rinsing with clean water. For the application of Semstone 140.
recommendations or additional information regarding
substrate preparation, please contact Carboline’s Note: For substrates with out-gassing concerns use
Carboguard 1340. Primer should be applied while the substrate
Technical Service Department. temperature is decreasing.
Concrete Broadcast Application (AFC – Broadcast)
Pre-mix Part A (resin) for 30 seconds using a Jiffy
Concrete should be properly cured for 28 days and Mixer. Pour Part B (hardener) into the Part A pail and
have the following characteristics: mix thoroughly for 2 minutes.
• Substrate tensile strength of at least 300 psi.
• pH in the range of 7 to 11. Apply a base coat at the specified thickness using a
The surface must show open pores throughout and squeegee or a notched trowel. For a 60 mil/1.5 mm
have a sandpaper texture. system apply a 25 mil/0.63 mm base coat and for a
125 mil/3.1 mm system apply a 50 mil/1.3 mm base
coat. Immediately after applying the base coat, begin
Steel broadcasting the aggregate until a dry appearance is
Equipment base plates, etc. to be coated along with achieved.
the concrete should be abrasive blasted to a near
white metal finish, SSPC-10 or NACE-2, with a 1 to 2 Note: The use of a 20/40 mesh aggregate is highly
recommended. One gallon of 20/40 mesh silica weighs 13-14
mils anchor profile. lbs.
Masking After the base coat has cured, remove the loose
Mask surfaces that are not to be coated. This material aggregate. Apply a 10-15 mil/0.25-0.38 mm topcoat
using a squeegee or roller.
is difficult to remove once applied.
Material Coverages
APPLICATION GUIDELINES Below is a list of coverages for the Broadcast
Before mixing and applying any material, make sure application depending upon desired thickness and
environmental conditions are satisfactory for applica- texture.
tion. For optimal working conditions, substrate tem-
perature must be between 60°F/15°C and 80°F/27°C. MATERIAL 60 mils/1.5 mm 75 mils/1.9 mm 125 mils/3.1 mm
Measure the surface temperature with a surface ther- Semstone 110 Primer 200-250 sq.ft./gal. 200-250 sq.ft./gal. 200-250 sq.ft./gal.
mometer. Cold areas must be heated until the slab Semstone 140 Base
temperature is above 50°F/10°C. This will allow the Coat 64 sq.ft./gal. 45 sq.ft./gal. 32 sq.ft./gal.
material to achieve a proper cure. Also, a cold sub- Aggregate 1.5 lbs./sq.ft. 1.5 lbs./sq.ft. 2 lbs./sq.ft.
Semstone 140 Topcoat
15 mils 100 sq.ft./gal. 100 sq.ft./gal. 100 sq.ft./gal.
August 2003 replaces May 2003
To the best of our knowledge the technical data contained herein is true and accurate on the date of publication and is subject to change without prior notice. User must contact Carboline Company to
verify correctness before specifying or ordering. No guarantee of accuracy is given or implied. We guarantee our products to conform to Carboline quality control. We assume no responsibility for
coverage, performance or injuries resulting from use. Liability, if any, is limited to replacement of products. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY CARBOLINE,
are registered trademarks of Carboline Company.