Page 92 - manual_V5_11_9_2018_Html5
P. 92
To save a conceptual model, click the ‘SaveModel’ button along the left-side of the
MAGNET modeling environment. This will launch the ‘Opening IGWMagnet Window) to
save the MAGNET model file (ASCII/.txt format) to the local machine or directly open it with a ASCII/.txt
editor. An example MAGNET model file is shown in Figure 7-2.
Figure 7-2: Example MAGNET model file.
To load a MAGNET model file, click the ‘LoadModel’ button along the left-side of the MAGNET
modeling environment. This will open a sub-menu with three options:
• Last Model on Server – which allows the latest conceptual model saved with
MAGNET user account to be loaded;
• Local Model File – which allows the user to browse to and load a MAGNET
file saved on their local machine;
• Help – this feature is not available in the current version of MAGNET.
7.2 Publishing & Editing MAGNET Network Models
A powerful capability of MAGNET is to allow users to publish their model, results, and data on the
MAGNET network to be viewed by other users. Specifically, users can publish/share: MAGNET model
files (see previous section); image files of model results (e.g., head distributions, cross-sections, monitoring
well plots, water balances); and/or animation files (e.g., transient head dynamics, particle tracking or
contaminant transport). Users can decide whether to publish the conceptual model or just results (images
or videos) and/or comments related to the model. If the conceptual model is published, other users can
directly load it for editing on the MAGNET modeling web interface.
20 In future versions of MAGNET, user will be able to upload and share their models, data, and tools if desired.
21 Images and videos to be uploaded need to be prepared by the user, not the platform, either through screen
capturing or using a commercial movie maker.