Page 3 - Time Magazine, Sep. 17, 2018
P. 3
VOL. 192, NO. 11 | 2018
4 | Conversation The View Features Time Off △
6 | For the Record The casket of
Ideas, opinion, Madam Speaker? What to watch, read,
TheBrief innovations Nancy Pelosi fights to unite her party see and do U.S. Senator John
McCain inside the
News from the U.S. 19 | The surprising 53 | The reboot Rotunda of the U.S.
and around the world connections and reclaim the House leadership of ’90s sitcom Capitol on Aug. 31
between aging By Molly Ball24
7 | Why Democrats Murphy Brown Photograph by
can’t stop Supreme and happiness John McCain’s Final Act predicts the future Christopher
Court nominee 21 | Ian Bremmer Morris—VII for
Brett Kavanaugh Even in death, the Arizona GOP 56 | What to watch TIME
on the emerging Senator reached across the aisle on TVthis fall
10 | Behind the
calls for the Pope By Philip Elliott 34 58 | Movie review:
to resign 22 | Silicon Valley Sierra Burgess
bigwigs square off Our Race Problem Is a Loser
11 | Actor J.K. against Congress Americans denounce racism
Simmons on when it’s easy, without changing 58 | Paul
playwright their own behavior McCartney’s
NeilSimon new album
By Eddie S. Glaude Jr.40
12 | TIME with ... 60 | 8 Questions
historian Doris Women Changing the World for Dopesick
Kearns Goodwin Firsts, an ongoing TIME project, author Beth Macy
highlights pioneering women46
16 | Fire engulfs
Brazil’s National ON THE COVER:
Museum Photograph by
Luisa Dörr for
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