Page 7 - Time Magazine, Sep. 17, 2018
P. 7

until a week after taping when the real    BIG STARS ON THE
                                          Stephen Bannon is invited to be inter-
                                          viewed onstage at the New Yorker Fes-       SMALL SCREEN
                                          tival and the Internet ignites in outrage.  Oscar winners and MVPs
                                          Even New Yorker employees threaten         make debuts as leads in new
                                          to boycott along with the punditocracy.      television series this fall.
                                          We won’t spoil what happens on the            —Eliana Dockterman
                                          show, but in real life, editor David Rem-
                                          nick withdrew his invitation to Bannon
                                          within hours.
                                            The Internet blew up. Again.
                                          WHAT THIS EPISODE and all of the new
                                          episodes, which premieres on CBS on
                                          Sept. 27, tap into is an American culture       LEBRON JAMES
                                          clash wherein real injustice and per-           The Shop (HBO)
                                          ceived slights are covered with equal      The Laker hosts a talk show in a
                                          intensity. And perhaps the greatest di-  barbershop and debates issues like
                                          vision of all surrounds which voices     “Who is the greatest of all time?” with
                                          deserve to be heard and which are too      athletes and artists. (Aug. 28)
                                          damaging to be amplified. Which is
                                          not to say that the show’s perspective
                                          is only progressive. The new Murphy
                                          Brown goes right to the marrow when
                                          it comes to the Trump Administration,
                                          but there’s a connection to his support-
                                          ers via Corky, who, like Faith Ford her-
                                          self, is from Louisiana and still lives
                                                                                          JULIA ROBERTS
                                          there when she’s not filming. “I’m hop-       Homecoming (Amazon)
                                          ing that I can bridge some sort of gap      The A-lister stars as a soldier’s
                                          here because I’ve been doing it in Loui-    caseworker in a psychological
                                                                                      thriller based on the popular
                                          siana for a long time,” says Ford. “I ab-       podcast. (Nov. 2)
                                          solutely understand both sides because
        from there. Murphy’s staff gets into a fa-  I live in the middle.”
        miliar journalistic debate over whether  And Murphy’s son Avery works as a
        to have Shannon on the show to pro-  liberal reporter for a rival conservative
        mote his book. One side argues that  network called Wolf. Jake McDorman,
        they would be normalizing a guy they  32, says his character may be more com-
        see as a racist, but the network execu-  passionate toward the right than Murphy
        tives vote for having Murphy eviscer-  because he spent the 2016 campaign out
        ate him on camera because the ratings  on the road talking to people all over the  SEAN PENN
                                                                                          The First (Hulu)
        would be huge.                    country. “He realizes that a lot of these   House of Cards creator Beau
          The words Nazi and libtards pop up,  people were just disgusted with the fact  Willimon’s new show centers on a
        and the conversations feel a lot like the  that they felt like they had no choice but  human mission to Mars, with Penn as
        fights happening in kitchens and living  to vote for Trump,” says McDorman.  a trailblazing astronaut. (Sept. 14)
        rooms and break rooms across the coun-  Bergen says that she’s bracing her-
        try. The show is funny, but it’s under-  self for criticism from the right. After
        girded by the national pain many feel.  all, it won’t be the first time that her fic-
        “We look at each other after the end of  tional character has struck a real-world
        each scene and say, This show is so fear-  nerve. In 1992, more than three years
        less,” says Bergen. “They take on every-  into its decade-long run on air, Mur-
        thing and everyone.”              phy became a single mom. The next
          When Laura Krafft, the writer of the  day, Vice President Dan Quayle accused
                                                                                          EMMA STONEA STONE
        Ed Shannon episode, walks into the  the show of “mocking” the importance          Maniac (Netflix)(Netflix)
        post-shoot restaurant gathering, people  of fatherhood. The left rose up in re-  The Oscar winner stars oppositeOscar winner stars o
        clap as she moves through the tables.  volt at the idea that there was only one  Jonah Hill in a sci-fi series abouth Hill in a sci fi serie
        She nailed it, but she will have no idea  kind of family. Two days later, the story  patients in an experimental drug trial
        how well she captured the moment  was on the front page of the New York     who begin to hallucinate. (Sept. 21)
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