Page 8 - Time Magazine, Sep. 17, 2018
P. 8

TimeOff Opener

       Times. English marvels at how little     CREATIVE MINDS AT WORK
       has changed since then. She even used
       a clip of Quayle criticizing Murphy in   Many of television’s most lauded creators and writers
       a subsequent episode. For her, every-    are returning this fall with buzzy new shows. —E.D.
       thing is copy.
         Murphy became the face of the cul-
       ture wars, appearing on a TIME cover
       headlined “Hollywood & Politics” in
       which Lance Morrow wrote: “What is
       occurring today is a war of American
       myths, a struggle of contending stories.
       And pop culture, often television, is the
       arena in which it is being fought ... On
       certain levels, the U.S. is a dangerously
       splintered and tribal country.”

       IN THE ’90S, Murphy was certainly
       controversial. But in 2018, her mere ex-
       istence on TV is political. In reprising
       her role as the acerbic and unapologetic
       Murphy, a role that earned her five                         THE ROMANOFFS (AMAZON)
       Emmys and the devotion of a genera-        In each episode, Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner’s new miniseries spotlights
       tion of young women who had never          different characters, like Marthe Keller, Inès Melab and Aaron Eckhart (above).
       seen a boss like her on TV, Bergen has      But they all harbor delusions of grandeur: characters in each story claim to be
       the chance to reach a new audience.                  descended from the Russian royal family. (Oct. 12)
       “[Murphy] made her way in a man’s
       world,” says English. “People loved
       somebody who didn’t have that filter,
       who just really spoke her mind. She was
       most definitely a feminist but she didn’t
       walk around calling herself that. She
       just did it.” Both English and Bergen
       say they have heard from women who
       grew up with Murphy—who was in her
       40s during the show’s original run—as
       a role model, someone who rebuilt her              REL (FOX)                    I FEEL BAD (NBC)
       career after struggling with alcoholism    A year after his beloved series The  Television vet Aseem Batra’s new
       and then started her family late.         Carmichael Show was canceled, writer-  series follows a working mom played by
                                                producer Jerrod Carmichael is teaming  Blockers’ Sarayu Rao (above) who feels
         And now, Murphy, like a Rip van
                                                up with Get Out’s Lil Rel Howery (above)  guilty about falling short of her own high
       Winkle of news, must learn to operate     for a new comedy about a man going  expectations—executive-produced by
       at the speed of social media after more      through a divorce. (Sept. 9)      Amy Poehler. (Oct. 4)
       than 20 years away. And again there’s
       no one quite like Bergen on TV, an
       actor in her 70s leading a prime-time
       comedy created by another woman
       over 70, Diane English. What are the
       odds? In fact there’s no lead woman
       on the show under 50. (Faith Ford is
       in her early 50s, and Tyne Daly is also
       over 70.) “Maybe we’re going to be an
       example once again at this age,” says
       English. “We’re most definitely show-          KIDDING (SHOWTIME)               CAMPING (HBO)
       ing that we’re not done. We have plenty  Weeds writer Dave Holstein asks, “What  Jennifer Garner and David Tennant
       to offer.”                                 if Mr. Rogers came unraveled?” Jim  (above) team up with Girls creators Lena
         As high as the stakes are for Murphy    Carrey (above) plays a children’s-show  Dunham and Jenni Konner for a comedy
                                                  host, who, after a tragedy, struggles
                                                                                series about a celebratory camping trip
       Brown’s second life, Bergen says she        to contain the anger and sadness  that goes terribly—and hilariously—
       feels liberated now. “After 70, you have  that doesn’t fit his onscreen persona.  awry. (Oct. 14)
       an angel on your shoulder.”                        (Sept. 9)
       56  TIME September 17, 2018
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