Page 13 - Journal of Management Inquiry, July 2018
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306                                                                     Journal of Management Inquiry 27(3)

           Table 1.  Four Illustrated Rationales for Using Creative Mediums to Overcome Barriers to Research Representation.
           Examples of previous creative medium utilization (as   Claim about creative mediums and   Barriers to research representation
           featured in our collage)                      research representation            addressed

           Image 9—Kayapo video project by Terence Turner   Creative mediums trigger interest   A paucity of traditional mediums to
            (Shepard, 2012)                          by renewing perspectives on what   inherently trigger interest in external
           With the support of a photo, illustrating the sharp   is taken for granted or has been   audiences.
            contrast between a modern device and the tribal   forgotten about under social
            environment where it was used, the anthropologist   modern constraints.
            Terence Turner created an association between the
            seemingly mundane features of a camera and the
            extraordinary environment of the Kayapo tribe.
           Image 1—Autoethnography collage by Paula Gerstenblatt  Weaving together words and images   An inability of traditional material to go
            (Gerstenblatt, 2013)                     opens a new world of meaning   beyond cognitive abilities and bring in
           Through the use of a visual aid, Paula Gerstenblatt   to the audience by helping them   emotions and feelings.
            helps the audience perceive, conceptualize, and   integrate intellectual thoughts with
            relate to her study at an emotional level.  emotional reactions, creating a sum
                                                     greater than each component.
           Image 3—The cocktail party analogy on Higgs boson,   Management researchers can build   A difficulty in “translating” complex
            David Miller (Jepsen, 2013)              on the evocative form of analogies,   social science topics into digestible
           British physics and astronomy scholar David Miller   or more largely creative mediums,   bits of practical information.
            (1993) came up with an analogy to represent the   to simplify concepts and reach a
            complex Higgs boson phenomenon in the simplest   broader audience.
            way possible by explaining it via a cocktail party
           Image 6—Twitter feed of Hans Rosling (2017)  Creative mediums allow for   The asynchronicity between traditional
           In his famous TED Talk, Rosling dynamically engages   information to be conveyed in a   reporting and the instantaneous and
            a non-familiar audience demonstrating the shrinking   condensed fashion while eliciting   participatory nature of contemporary
            gap in prosperity/health between developing and   audience engagement.  communication, especially social
            Western countries (Rosling, 2006); even years after                   media.
            the initial presentation, individuals engage in an
            ongoing discussion about his research on Twitter
            (Rosling, 2017)

           encourage management scholars to consider these sugges-  Note
           tions as inspiration, perhaps to use them simultaneously, and   1.   This reversible research poem is inspired by Chanie Gorkin’s
           start performing or painting!                          poem “Worst Day Ever” which was published in poetrynation.
                                                                  com in 2015.
           Thank you to the organizers and presenters of the  JMI &   ORCID iDs
           Generative Curiosity Workshop at the Western Academy of   Lakshmi Balachandran Nair
           Management’s 2016 meetings. We are grateful  to  our fellow   7922
           workshop participant, Aysegul Karaeminogullari, and all other   Pauline Fatien Diochon
           participants who provided feedback and support. The authors also   Suzanne G. Tilleman
           thank the editor and reviewers for their developmental feedback,
           which greatly improved the article. Finally, we are grateful to the
           authors of the creative pieces who granted authorization to display   References
           their work in this article. All errors or omissions are the authors’   Adler, N. J., & Delbecq, A. L. (2018). Twenty-first century lead-
           responsibility.                                        ership: A return to beauty. Journal of Management Inquiry,
                                                                  2018:  27(2): 119-137.
           Declaration of Conflicting Interests                Aguinis, H., Werner, S., Abbott, J. A., Angert, C., Park, J. H., &
           The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect   Kohlhausen, D. (2010). Customer-centric science: Reporting
           to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.  significant research results with rigor, relevance, and practi-
                                                                  cal impact in mind.  Organizational Research Methods,  13,
           Funding                                                515-539.
           The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-  Banks, M. (2000). Review of Yanomamö Interactive: The Ax
           ship, and/or publication of this article.              Fight. Peter Biella, Napoleon A. Chagnon, and Gary Seaman.
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