Page 20 - Journal of Management Inquiry, July 2018
P. 20

Wright et al.                                                                                    319

              an individual the necessary subterfuge to both appear to be   allow an actor to feign moral purpose, while actually serving
              moral while actually serving his or her own self-interest. We   his or her self-interest (Batson  &  Thompson, 2001).
              have more to say about moral hypocrisy in the context of   Alternatively, Kerr’s original fourth cause equates morality
              Kerr’s fourth cause, the relative role of morality or equity   with  equity  in  contrast  with  efficiency.  This  comparison
              versus that of efficiency.                         highlights the possibility of a more benign motivational
                                                                 explanation for why an individual does not act morally. The
              Moral Hypocrisy and Kerr’s Fourth                  concept of overpowered integrity occurs when an individu-
                                                                 al’s initial and purported desire to be moral is overpowered
              Cause                                              by some form of self-interest (Batson & Thompson, 2001).
              We find an excellent and ongoing example of the fourth   The following question is highly relevant to our discussion:
              “Folly” cause from our military, an updated version to the   How can one determine which motivational process (moral
              one shared by Kerr in his “In War” example of the inappro-  integrity vs. moral hypocrisy) is in play? Perhaps there is no
              priate reward system in use during the Vietnam War. The   better example of this dilemma than the decades old debate
              “Folly” we are witnessing today involves the reward system   over universal health care.
              in place to help the successful transition of our soldiers to
              productive civilian lives after their wartime service. While   Moral Integrity Versus Moral
              the stated goal of such transition assistance programs as the   Hypocrisy: The Debate Over Universal
              Army’s “Soldier for Life–Transition Assistance Program” or   Health Care
              SFL-TAP is to enable the successful reintegration and
              employment of millions of service members, we find record   On  June 8,  1934,  President Franklin  D.  Roosevelt told
              numbers electing government-based veteran’s entitlement   Congress that “If, as our Constitution tells us, our federal gov-
              benefits instead of seeking gainful employment (DeGroat,   ernment was established among other things ‘to promote the
              2016). Veteran unemployment rates, discouraged worker sta-  general welfare,’ it is our plain duty to provide for that secu-
              tus, service-related disability ratings, and utilization rates of   rity upon which welfare depends” (Myers, 1993, p. 16). Three
              Post-9-11 GI Bill education benefits clearly indicate that the   weeks later, on June 29, 1934, President Roosevelt formed
              reward for accepting entitlements greatly outweighs the per-  the Committee on Economic Security to initiate the develop-
              ceived benefits of a true transition.              ment of a social insurance system for the United States.
                Perhaps Kerr’s discovery of causes for such a flawed   Signifying a much simpler age, the Committee’s executive
              reward system that encourages seeking entitlements rather   director, Edwin E. Witte, was advised that he would only have
              than succeeding in occupational transition programs is best   to take a one semester leave from his job as an economics
              understood as rooted in the Army’s “emphasis on morality   professor at the University of  Wisconsin to complete the
              rather than efficiency” (the fourth and final original cause;   Committee’s  task  (amazingly,  their  report  was  filed  on
              Kerr, 1995, p. 13). Senior military and Defense Department   January 15, 1935!). A further interesting historical note, the
              leaders appear to be more morally concerned with ensuring   Committee’s chairperson, Frances Perkins, was the first ever
              that every departing veteran has access to his or her earned   woman to serve in a presidential cabinet—as secretary of
              government benefits than they are with developing and   labor under President Roosevelt.
              assisting his or her long-term, productive participation in the   Initially,  it  was  proposed  that  a health  care  component
              workforce. Anecdotal evidence confirms that soldiers report   would be included within  the Social Security framework,
              spending more time receiving resources and advisement on   something like Medicare (which came 30 years later in 1965)
              how to apply for government entitlement programs, such as   or even a program designed to cover the entire population.
              unemployment compensation-ex-military (UCX) and    These ideas were soon scuttled because of concern that these
              Veteran Affairs (VA) disability rating systems, than they do   aspects would be sufficient cause for the entire program to be
              receiving the necessary skill-based programs needed to get   defeated. Unlike in more recent times and even amid often
              them workforce-ready (DeGroat, 2016). As a result, we find   bitter,  even  vitriolic,  debate,  the  bill  was  passed  by  voice
              ourselves “rewarding” our veterans for their valuable service   vote, with overwhelming  bipartisan  support, in both the
              by an overreliance on government-based entitlement benefits   House (91.9% in favor) on August 8, 1935, and in the Senate
              and programs, while “hoping” that they find gainful employ-  (92.8% in favor) on August 9, 1935. After the final approval
              ment and true reintegration back into the civilian society   in both chambers, President Roosevelt signed the Social
              from which they came.                              Security Act into law  on August  14, 1935. More  than 80
                As with Kerr’s original Causes 1 and 2, the reader will   years later, Social Security provides telling testimony to the
              notice a similar degree of overlap between Causes 3 and 4.   benefits of Roosevelt’s New Deal platform. Moral hypocrisy
              Evidenced both in the Kerr interview and in the present anal-  may help explain why the  Affordable Care  Act (or
              ysis, clearly underlying original Causes 3 and 4 is the issue   Obamacare, as it is more commonly known) does not enjoy
              of moral intent. Regarding moral hypocrisy, the intent is to   similar bipartisan support.
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