Page 65 - Journal of Management Inquiry, July 2018
P. 65

Gärtner and Huber                                                                                279

              unintoxication are associated with health risks (e.g., pulmo-  mindful organizing of previous research. The existing litera-
              nary aspiration). In case of legal procedures, the OTAP   ture on mindful organizing focuses on people, (respectful)
              would provide evidence for which user had been logged in   communication, and (safety) culture (Pronovost et al., 2006;
              and made changes.                                  Sutcliffe, 2011; Vogus et al., 2010; Weick & Sutcliffe, 2007).
                                                                 This is hardly surprising because the literature on HROs is
              Inscribing accountability and mindful organizing.  Our findings   informed by accounts of sensemaking that focus on human
              show instances of practicing micropolitics and defensive   cognition and communication, and tends to neglect artifacts
              behavior that can be associated with the danger of “crowding   such as tools and their materiality. While we emphasize the
              out” mindful organizing, if simply by taking up valuable   role of the OTAP, we do not claim that the tool alone deter-
              time and attention. The routine of making screenshots may   mines the five Weickian processes of mindful organizing in
              be interpreted as being conducive to mindful organizing   our case. Rather, nonhuman and human actors form the socio-
              because it enables the operation theater manager to bounce   material practices of managing the unexpected. Especially
              back and cope with unexpected events such as a power or IT   during surgeries, social interaction is crucial—but often
              system blackout (he would have the latest schedule). How-  involves medical instruments and artifacts, of which the OTAP
              ever, this was not the purpose. Rather, the fact that the tool   is only one. Thus, our study is only a first step toward picking
              materializes who did what and when directs attention away   up tools and integrating them into a sociomaterial model of
              from the operations in the here and now toward a distant and   mindful organizing. We now discuss the implications of this
              potential future which is decoupled from localized organiz-  model for researchers and practitioners.
              ing  in the  operation  theater.  The  detrimental  effect  of
              “inscribing  accountability”  on  mindful organizing  is  that   Picking Up Visual-Material Design
              attention is drawn away from sweeping in interconnected
              details to interpreting ongoing events in the light of possible   Our analysis shows that visual and material aspects of a tool
              risks. As a consequence, sensitivity to operations may be   are crucial because material and digital instantiations are
              replaced by merely thinking about the risk of a possible law-  involved in inscribing the big picture, make expectations
              suit. Moreover, people may overstretch the adherence to for-  about temporal relations between past, ongoing and planned
              malized procedures to avoid blame, legal consequences, and   surgeries visible, and produce traces that inscribe account-
              public scrutiny. Such an overly strong focus on outside per-  ability. In addition, codified rules and standards that inscribe
              ception, reputation, risk, and aversion of legal responsibility   temporality can be understood as artifacts and are thus part
              is antithetical to mindful organizing, which is focused on the   of the materiality of tools. The boxes, bars, lines, and tem-
              moment and ongoing operations. Here, we see an interesting   plates as well as the mouse-over feature affect the relation
              tension with respect to the sociomateriality of the OTAP.   between details and the big picture because they afford actors
              While its visual-material and rule-based inscriptions give   to pay attention to some details that appear as information;
              form to details, time and space amenable to mindful organiz-  that is, some cues become literally manifested while other
              ing, they also bear the risk of misdirecting attention by dis-  details are faded out or unavailable. This suggests that the
              tancing  actors  from  the  actual  events  in  the  operation   digital and material instantiations are not neutral but play an
              theater.                                           active role in shaping organizational interaction because they
                                                                 afford and authorize as well as block or forbid information,
              Discussion                                         sensemaking and eventually, courses of action. Such a per-
                                                                 spective is in line with other accounts that attribute a more
              In our study, we set out to examine how a computer-based tool   active to nonhuman objects (see Nicolini, Mengis, & Swan,
              shapes mindful organizing. We believe that a closer look at the   2012). Our theorizing and  empirical focus help explicate
              nature of tools helps explicate their role and sheds light on   how  the  visual-material  dimension  of  a  tool’s  inscriptions
              mechanisms that facilitate or inhibit mindful organizing but   leads to ambiguous effects on mindful organizing.  This
              have not been explored so far. Our theorizing is rooted in the   extends accounts that depict mindful organizing in purely
              concepts of inscriptions and sociomateriality, which are used   cognitive or symbolic terms, which only sheds light on one
              to analyze the nature and role of the OTAP. Our findings indi-  dimension of managing the unexpected.
              cate that while some inscriptions had a direct positive influ-  From a Weickian perspective on mindfulness, our study
              ence on processes of mindful organizing, others had a negative   suggests rehabilitating the role of tools. Ever since Weick’s
              effect. Interestingly, some of the tool’s shortcomings also fos-  famous call to “drop your tools,” research has been somewhat
              tered processes of mindful organizing. Figure 4 shows these   dismissive of the potential of tools to foster mindful organiz-
              effects and presents our contribution toward integrating tools   ing. Our study points toward such a potential and outlines
              into a sociomaterial model of mindful organizing. By focusing   some facets which deserve further consideration, for exam-
              on the role of tools in the network of human and nonhuman   ple, tools and their relations to routines or “acting on auto-
              actors, our study extends the human-centered approach to   matic pilot.” From a Weickian perspective on mindfulness,
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