Page 78 - Journal of Management Inquiry, July 2018
P. 78

332                                                                     Journal of Management Inquiry 27(3)

           (2012) calls “deceptive identity forged by concepts” (p. 41),   A final fantasy is that of inevitability, which refers to the
           as if the concept of your sticker price would fully define who   idea that the post-Browne Review pro-market changes in
           you are as a university. The cherry on top of the cake of this   public policy were unavoidable. This represents a fantasy,
           fantasy is that somehow people forget that if every university   insofar as for the implemented policies, alternatives actually
           actually became Oxford and Cambridge, then nobody would   existed. Something acknowledged by the Browne Review
           be Oxford and Cambridge, because no one would be top: By   itself, which addressed other alternative models. However,
           definition, everyone would be average. Therefore, the dream   inevitability might be fulfilling the wish to escape the para-
           of all being top, reputable, ultra-prestigious universities can-  doxical position, by envisioning this as unavoidable, as if the
           not by definition ever be reached. Thus, the idea of the pres-  leader could not do anything to prevent it. Almost as if the
           tige emerges from the wish of liberating oneself from a   changes had to happen, as if they were meant to be. More
           difficult position, while the wish remains impossible, mak-  importantly,  the  inevitability  of  the  natural  and  mundane
           ing this, then, a fantasy. More importantly, as this is a fantasy   paradoxical position is natural and mundane too, and thus,
           that did not require the invocation of the supernatural or any   this fantasy presents itself once more as a magical realist fan-
           sort of fissure between the natural order and the fantasy, it is   tasy too. Table 2 illustrates the three fantasies with quotes.
           a magical realist fantasy to be more specific. Here, that which
           is fantasized—the magic of a sticker price fully defining the   Discussion
           identity of a university—has been disguised as part of the
           essence of the mundane reality.                     Now, the question is, how do the three discussed leaders’ fan-
             A second fantasy was that of the independent agenda.   tasies bestow on leaders some liberation from their paradoxi-
           This, simply put, is about how post-Browne Review pro-  cal position? It is difficult to understand fully how liberation
           market  policies  might  not  make  sense  and  put  university   might be working. Yet there are some indications of this if
           leaders in a paradoxical position, yet there is something   one looks closer at the three magical realist fantasies. In the
           beyond all these mundanities that is much more important:   prestige fantasy, liberation might not be as romantic as it
           an independent agenda that the university will follow regard-  sounds,  as  it  might  require  simply  to change  one type  of
           less of the hassles of the so-called real world. Hence, the   power for another. In short, leaders, by focusing on becom-
           independent agenda fantasy changes the meaning of the   ing the most prestigious university, might be enabled to over-
           higher  education  reforms  by  saying:  forget  about  things   come the frustration regarding the policy changes and the
           pointing to the market, things are actually pointing to some-  power that these policies had on them. Yet the irony emerges
           thing that is independent of it. For instance, a Vice-President   as it appears like this fantasy is liberating them from their
           from UniY, about the Browne Review, said,          paradoxical position, by making them now enslaved to the
                                                              delusion of aiming at all cost to look and feel as a so-called
                                                              top university. Therefore, here, we have simply an exchange
             Well it was on the radar, but I don’t think that we were doing
             anything specifically to anticipate what it was coming from the   or transformation of power. First, the leader might have been
             review, because it didn’t matter what the review said, we needed   subjugated to a paradoxical position. However, once the
             to implement changes. So really you know increasing the   leader turns to the prestige fantasy, the leader quickly
             quality, extending the breath of what we were doing was going   becomes subjugated to another form of power in another sort
             to be important irrespective of what would come out of the   of paradoxical position, which this time requires from the
             review.                                          leader to obsess with turning her university into a sort of
                                                              Oxford and  Cambridge.  Thus, one subjugation  has been
           So the independent agenda fantasy is about a mystical—  turned into another.
           almost metaphysical—kernel that cannot be touched by the   In the second fantasy—that is, the independent agenda—
           mundanities of the so-called real world. The idea of the inde-  liberation might be working differently. Here, leaders down-
           pendent agenda lies in a popular metaphysical ethos that   played the role of their paradoxical position, by arguing that
           there might be in organizations (or other types of entities) a   there was a protected unchanged kernel in universities. This
           kernel that is not affected by the disturbances around them   fantasy if it liberates, it does through resistance. In short,
           (Schoeneborn, 2016). However, organizations actually   leaders acknowledged their paradoxical position; yet they
           define their environment and the environment defines orga-  resisted the power that this position had over them by argu-
           nizations, making it qua impossible to define a clear-cut line   ing that universities have actually been protected given their
           between them (Stacey, 1992). Thus, there might be a kernel,   unchanged kernel, which in spite of whatever power, remains
           but who knows what or where exactly it is. And, therefore,   always untouched. This echoes the Foucauldian realization
           this probably remains a fantasy. Yet, it is in particular a magi-  that “where there is power there is also resistance” (Lukes,
           cal realist fantasy, as that untouched kernel, even if perpetu-  2005, p. 100). The independent agenda, hence, is important,
           ally fictitious, is still part of the mundane order of what a   because  it  provides  leaders  with the  experience  or  feeling
           university allegedly is.                           that even if they cannot control the external environment that
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