Page 80 - Journal of Management Inquiry, July 2018
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334                                                                     Journal of Management Inquiry 27(3)

           is changing their symbolic order, they could take care of the   the world at will” (p. 1471). Such conceptualization of the
           university by working on the independent agenda, which for   relationship between leadership and power tends to overesti-
           some magical reason is a kernel that is not affected by the   mate the power of leaders, up to the point that it makes of the
           reforms.                                            “heroic leadership identity . . . preponderant as part of most
             Liberation from the paradoxical position turns even more   leaders’ development” (Abreu Pederzini, 2016, p. 326). Now,
           interesting in the final fantasy: inevitability. Here, leaders   we know, of course, leaders could have access to better or
           claimed that the effects of the macroenvironment on their   more abundant resources. Yet, it is actually difficult to go as
           symbolic order, and thus their paradoxical position, were   far as to justify this ideal of the heroic leader that controls
           unavoidable. In other words, what is going to happen out   everything. Something that is clearly evident in the many
           there is going to happen. And, therefore, they do not really   cases of apparently powerful leaders that ended up falling,
           see themselves anymore in a paradoxical position, because   including people like Margaret Thatcher or infamous Drug
           even if followers are expecting leaders to defend them   Lord Pablo Escobar. Furthermore, the problem of academic
           against the hostile higher education changes, the policies are   literature overlooking leaders’ impotence might be the con-
           unavoidable. So as Pontius Pilate, university leaders could   sequence partly of a poor conceptualization of power, as the
           calmly wash their hands, and say that their magical realist   leadership and power literature has tended to overemphasize
           expected role as grand saviors does not apply to things that   how one person has influence over others, but not much is
           are unavoidable. One possible way of looking at this is not as   said about  other factors  that have power  over us. Having
           a fantasy of liberation but of power, because “the exercise of   reflected, at the beginning of this article, on how all these
           power can produce as much acceptance as may be wished   other factors build complex and chaotic realities in which
           for” (Foucault, 1982, p. 789). Nevertheless, a second inter-  any single individual will eventually prove to be at least par-
           pretation exists. When the Buddha, Shakyamuni, strived to   tially impotent, I argued, thus, that leaders as human beings
           understand how to liberate humans from suffering, he did not   would also be impotent in many ways. Others have already
           arrive at resistance as the fantasy of liberation, but accep-  explored this idea in business and management studies too.
           tance. Therefore, those who attain nirvana, becoming “fully   For example, MacKay and Chia’s (2013) exploration of an
           liberated from all suffering,” liberate themselves not through   automotive company going through the shocks of the finan-
           resistance, but through the fantasy of the world as something   cial downturn of 2008/2009 illustrates how the leaders of the
           that humans cannot change but simply have to accept (Harari,   company were far from being able to control the fate of their
           2014, pp. 196-198). Inevitability might be an instrumental   company.
           fantasy  for  leaders’  development,  if  inevitability  allows/  Given the intricacies of the complex world in which we
           enables leaders to get over—accept—whatever they cannot   live, I argued that people have, thus, built fantasies about
           control/change, and focus instead on what they can. The lat-  order; because order is at the end of the day the ultimate fan-
           ter would not be surprising, it is best expressed in the con-  tasy. In such attempts, humans have ended up building sym-
           ventional wisdom (allegedly enunciated in the 19th century   bolic orders that are pretty much a collection of fantasies
           by Edward E. Hale) that says, “I am only one, but I am one.   about how everything in the world has place, meaning, pur-
           I cannot do everything, but I can do something, and I will not   pose,  and  direction  (Zizek,  1989).  And,  hence,  in an
           let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”  Althusserian sense (2006), symbolic orders end up hailing
                                                              people as to give them a role and place within the chaos of
           Implications: Leaders and Power, a Critical View   the world. However, the problem of the fantasy of the sym-
                                                              bolic  and  its  delusion  of  order  is  that  through  its  hail,  it
           Let us look at the full implications of magical realist fanta-  becomes yet another source of nonhuman power over
           sies. It turns out that these fantasies could be extremely valu-  humans. The irony here is, therefore, that the fantasy of the
           able to leaders, if by partially liberating them from their   symbolic is built by humans; however, as these constructions
           paradoxical position (Ornstein & Ornstein, 2008), allow   take on a life of their own, and through a process of inverted
           leaders to focus instead on that which leaders could probably   reflection, they come back to submit us to their wishes, “so
           control better. The latter generates, hence, a novel conceptu-  that men and women submit to what are in fact products of
           alization of the relationship between leadership and power.   their own activity” (Eagleton, 1991, p. 70).
           As Yukl (1989) acknowledges, leadership and power have   Now, the problem for leaders emerges as in modern sym-
           been constantly related as simply: leaders have power   bolic orders of the magical realism type, leaders have become
           (Bendahan et al., 2015; Chou et al., 2015; De Hoogh et al.,   a fantasy of followers. The fantasy of the romance of leader-
           2015; Espedal, 2015; Rosenthal & Pittinsky, 2006). This is   ship that Meindl et al. (1985) many years ago first described.
           not a surprise, since that is how some of the ancient academic   Where, in an effort to put order on all that we cannot control,
           conceptualizations of leadership emerged, such as Carlyle   we romanticize some simple normal human beings—lead-
           and his Great Man Theory, where, as Grint (2005) recalls,   ers—as having an implicit surplus of meaning, because they
           leaders are seen as “independent agents, able to manipulate   are supposed to be capable to defend us against all that we
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