Page 19 - Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2018
P. 19


                                              SPECIAL REPORT

                                     PICK A BETTER




                             Use our strategies during open enrollment to get the best
                                 coverage at the best price. BY KIMBERLY LANKFORD
                                              PHOTOGRAPH BY JAMEY GUY

                           For years, health care costs have been marching steadily upward, and
                           insurers have been raising premiums to keep pace. You can expect more
                           of the same in 2019. The average cost of employer-provided medical and
                           drug benefits is expected to rise 5% next year, according to the National
                           Business Group on Health’s survey of large employers—the sixth consecu-
                           tive year of 5% increases. But your choices during open enrollment may
                           look a little less bleak because many employers are offering more cover-
                           age choices, larger contributions to health savings accounts and new tools
                           to help you reduce your costs. // If you buy coverage on your own, you may
                           have been pummeled by massive rate hikes for several years. But premi-
                           ums are finally stabilizing and even dropping in some states. In several
                           states, you may have more insurers to choose from as new companies
                           enter—or return to—the health care exchanges. If you earn too much to
                           qualify for a subsidy, you have several new plan options that carry lower
                           premiums—but also extra risks. // Whether you get your health insurance
                           from your employer or on your own, the following strategies can help you
                           get the best coverage at the best price.

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