Page 24 - Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2018
P. 24

                                                                                           A NEW POLICY ON HIS
       MONEY   SPECIAL REPORT                                                              STATE’S INSURANCE
                                                                                         EXCHANGE, ROSS VOLPE
                                                                                           FOUND A PLAN THAT
                                                                                              COSTS HIM JUST
                                                                                               $60 A MONTH.
       drug discount card, says Paul Rooney,
       of, which sells
       both short-term and ACA-compliant
       policies. They can also have annual
       or lifetime caps on coverage, such as
       $500,000 or $1 million, says Sakamoto,
       who generally only recommends them
       for a few months.

       Strategies to qualify for the subsidy. If
       your income is close to the cutoff, you
       may be able to lower your income to
       qualify for a subsidy. Contributions
       to a 401(k), a health savings account,
       or a health care or dependent care
       flexible spending account can help
       reduce your modified adjusted gross
       income, which is used in the subsidy
       calculation. Early retirees—who pay
       some of the steepest premiums with-
       out a subsidy—often have flexibility to
       reduce withdrawals from tax-deferred
       retirement savings.
         Leanne and Carl Bryson have been
       buying health insurance on their
       own since Carl retired from Apple
       four years ago, at age 59. When the
       Sacramento couple looked at eHealth  Use the calculators at  a lot more if you go out of network— to compare rates for to compare the after-subsidy   and a growing number of plans don’t
       policies with and without a subsidy,   costs of policies you’re shopping for.   provide out-of-network coverage at all,
       they decided it was worthwhile to   Estimate your income carefully. If   except for emergencies. Check to see
       tighten their belts to qualify for the   you end up earning more than the   whether the hospitals you want to use
       subsidy until they are old enough for   cutoff, you’ll have to pay back the sub-  are still included.
       Medicare. They are withdrawing less   sidy when you file your taxes; if you   Ross Volpe, 34, a professional disc
       money from their 401(k)s and IRAs in   earn less,  you’ll get extra money back   jockey who lives in Arlington, Va., has
       order to keep their modified adjusted   at tax time.                 income from a variety of sources: DJ
       gross income below the $65,840 cut-  In addition to comparing post-  gigs (he just won a national competi-
       off. They also cut back on travel and   subsidy premiums, estimate your out-  tion), private lessons, and teaching
       gifts to their grandkids.          of-pocket costs for the type of care you   classes and camps at the Beat Refinery
         Even with the subsidy, their cover-  use and prescription drugs you take,   in Bethesda, Md. Even though he qual-
       age was becoming unaffordable. The   and compare the plan’s maximum   ifies for a subsidy, his share of the pre-
       full price for their policy was set to   out-of-pocket spending limits and   miums after the subsidy have still
       rise to $3,200 per month in 2018,   provider networks. Don’t assume your   increased steadily every year—from
       which would still cost them $1,800   doctors will still be covered by the   $45 per month for a CareFirst Blue
       with the subsidy. They went back to   plan’s network in 2019. “In our survey,   Cross Blue Shield PPO plan in 2014, during open   36% of carriers said they’re planning   to $212 per month in 2017. His premi-
       enrollment last fall and looked into   to restrict their networks next year,”   ums were about to go up to $320 per
       alternatives. “In California, we’re   says Rooney, of eHealthInsurance  month in 2018—after a $200 subsidy.
       lucky that we have a lot of options, but   .com, which has a provider search tool   “I couldn’t do that anymore,” he says.
       they can be pricey,” Leanne says. The   to look up which plans your doctors   He shopped around for other options
       couple switched to an HMO that cost   belong to.                     during open enrollment last year and
       them $850 per month after the sub-  You may be able to lower your pre-  found a Kaiser Permanente HMO plan
       sidy, in exchange for a smaller pro-  miums by switching to a plan with a   that cost him just $60 per month with
       vider network.                     smaller network, but you’ll have to pay   the subsidy.

       32  KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE    11/2018                                         PHOTOGRAPH BY RYAN DONNELL

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