Page 26 - Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2018
P. 26



       Trim Your Home

       Insurance Premium

       Whether you stay with your current insurer or switch, you can lower your rate without
       sacrificing coverage. BY MIRIAM CROSS

       CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES ARE FALLING   switch, says Spencer Houldin, presi-  owners policy is one way to save money.
       all over themselves to grab your atten-  dent of Ericson Insurance Advisors,   But a better deal on the surface may
       tion with clever TV ads, giving the im-  in Washington Depot, Conn.   come at the cost of important cover-
       pression that lowering your premium   File multiple claims and you risk   ages or useful perks. Before making
       is as easy as picking up the phone. But   having your current insurer drop you   the jump, explore other ways to lower
       when it comes to homeowners insur-  when your policy comes up for renewal.   your rate with your current insurer.
       ance? Crickets.                    In that case, you’ll have to find cover-
         Yes, it’s pretty quiet on the home   age through a more expensive “surplus   SAVE WITHOUT SWITCHING
       insurance front. For years, insurance   lines carrier,” such as Lloyd’s of Lon-  If you’re happy with your current in-
       companies have played a game of    don, which specializes in higher risks   surer, there are ways to trim your
       chicken with policyholders who dare   that standard insurers won’t touch.   premium without switching to a new
       to use their insurance. They’ve threat-  A slew of factors can affect your   company. Start by choosing a deduct-
       ened to raise premiums—or refuse to   rate, many of which are out of your   ible of at least $1,000, or a higher one
       renew your policy—when you make    control. In the past, insurers consid-  if you can afford it. Raising your de-
       too many claims. Just one claim can   ered building construction, protective   ductible from $500 to $1,000 often
       raise your premium if it’s the “wrong”   features and claims history, among   cuts your premium by up to 15%.
       kind—say, for plumbing leaks. Even   other factors, to set your premium,   Ask your agent or insurer if you are
       many homeowners with no claims     says Bill Wilson, CEO of Insurance  getting every discount you are eligible
       on their record are too intimidated, an insurance-  for. For example, some insurance com-
       to shop for a new carrier.         information website. They still con-  panies will reward you for retiring,
         Homeowners insurance rates typi-  sider those, but increasingly, “insurers   living smoke-free, installing storm
       cally rise a bit each year to keep up   are relying on big data, meaning there   shutters or an impact-resistant roof,
       with inflation. When you file a claim—  can be potentially hundreds of rating   renovating your plumbing or electrical
       especially for an event unrelated to   factors,” he says. For example, your   system, residing in a gated community,
       a widespread catastrophe, such as a   “insurance score” could blend your   or holding a college degree. One of the
       hurricane or wildfire—you can expect   credit score with your claims history,   most worthwhile credits you can get
       your rate to go up even more for several   your home’s construction, its safety   is for installing a central alarm system;
       years. Having one claim unrelated to   features and other considerations.   the money you save on premiums often
       a widespread catastrophe within the   Or a natural disaster that stretches   pays for the monthly monitoring costs,
       past three years on your record can   an insurer’s resources in one state   says Wilson. Some companies reward
       knock you out of the running for many   can have an impact on the premiums   loyalty or the length of time you remain
       insurers; two claims in that time   of policyholders in unaffected states.   claims-free.
       frame make it nearly impossible to   Shopping around for a new home-   Bundling your auto and home policies

       44  KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE    11/2018                          ILLUSTRATION BY MAI LY DEGNAN

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