Page 30 - Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2018
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       slowdown in China, a driver of global   are underrepresented in your portfo-  emerging-markets stocks, Kass had
       growth since the financial crisis, would   lio, consider gradually shifting some   expected 2018 to be underwhelming
       particularly hurt emerging markets.  of the assets tied to your biggest U.S.   and volatile, and it has been—although
         Investors should fight the tendency   stock winners to foreign shares. It’s   perhaps more than he had anticipated.
       to approach the developing world as a   a simple sell-high, buy-low strategy.   But, he says, “We are beginning to see
       single asset class, says Andrey Kutu-  (For more on rebalancing, see “What’s   value and opportunity in certain coun-
       zov, a portfolio manager at Wasatch   Your Next Move?” on page 48.)  tries, such as Brazil, Mexico, Indone-
       Advisors. “It’s really a collection of dif-  Index fans can choose a low-cost   sia and Thailand.” Over the past five
       ferent countries with little in common.”  portfolio, such as SCHWAB EMERGING MAR-  years, Kass has outpaced the MSCI
                                          KETS EQUITY ETF (SYMBOL SCHE, 0.13% EX-  EM index by an average of one per-
       What to do now. Expect continued vola-  PENSE RATIO), ISHARES CORE MSCI EMERGING   centage point per year.
       tility and possibly more losses. But   MARKETS ETF (IEMG, 0.14%) or VANGUARD
       for investors with five- to 10-year time   FTSE EMERGING MARKETS ETF (VWO, 0.14%).   E AMERICAN FUNDS NEW WORLD (NWFFX).
       horizons who can stay the course, this   But navigating emerging markets will   This fund is a good choice for investors
       could be a good buying opportunity,   be tricky in the near term, and if you   in search of a way into emerging mar-
       says Jim Paulsen, chief investment   go the index-fund route, at least pair   kets that offers a little less volatility.
       strategist at the Leuthold Group.   it with a good actively managed fund.   About half of the fund is invested in
       Shares in emerging markets trade at   You’ll want a pro who can focus on   emerging-markets stocks; the other
       11 times expected earnings for 2019.   the better-positioned countries, such   half is invested in big developed-coun-
       In the U.S., by contrast, stocks trade   as South Korea, Taiwan, India and   try multinationals that have signifi-
       at 17 times expected earnings. And   China, while also snapping up bargains   cant sales or assets in emerging
       though growth has slowed, many     that have been unfairly punished in   markets. “It’s a global approach to in-
       emerging economies are still expanding   troubled nations. The funds below are   vesting in emerging markets,” says
       at healthy rates. On average, analysts   worthy choices.             David Polak, an investment director
       expect more than 5% GDP growth in                                    with the fund. “To cash in on Chinese
       emerging countries in each of the next   E BARON EMERGING MARKETS (BEXFX). This   consumers who are buying luxury
       three calendar years, beating the 1.7%   fund—a member of the Kiplinger 25,   goods, you have to invest in European
       to 2.2% annual rate expected for de-  the list of our favorite no-load funds—  companies. But if you want to invest in
       veloped countries.                 doesn’t own any stocks in Turkey.   the growth of the internet in China,
         The long bull market in U.S. stocks   Instead, manager Michael Kass has   you buy shares in Chinese companies.”
       has left investors with a “too U.S.–  invested more than half of the fund’s   The fund’s five-year annualized return
       centric investment mindset,” says   assets in China, India and South Ko-  of 4.4% beats the MSCI EM index,
       Paulsen. If emerging-markets stocks   rea. At the end of 2017, a good year for   with more than 25% less volatility.

                                                                            E MATTHEWS ASIA INNOVATORS (MATFX). In
         Solid Picks
                                                                            our search for good emerging-markets
         FUNDS FOR A DICEY MARKET                                           funds, we sought portfolios that held
                                                                            up better than similar funds during
         We like actively managed funds for emerging markets because managers can pick their
                                                                            downturns and outpaced them during
         countries. Pair an active fund with a low-cost ETF if you prefer.
                                                                            good periods. This fund has one of the
                                        Annualized                          best records on those fronts. Lead
                                        total return  Expense   Top three   manager Michael Oh can invest in de-
          Mutual funds          Symbol  1 year  5 years  ratio  countries
                                                                            veloped and emerging Asian countries,
          American Funds New World F1  NWFFX  –0.4%  4.4%  1.02%  China, U.S., India
                                                                            but most of the fund’s assets—67%
          Baron Emerging Markets Retail  BEXFX  –8.6  4.2  1.36  China, India, South Korea
                                                                            currently—are invested in emerging
          Matthews Asia Innovators Inv.  MATFX  10.2    China, India, South Korea
                                                                            countries. Oh focuses on firms with
          Exchange-traded funds
                                                                            cutting-edge products or technology,
          iShares Core MSCI Emrg Mkts ETF  IEMG  –4.8%  3.0%  0.14% China, South Korea, Taiwan  but this isn’t a tech-only fund. Finan-
          Schwab Emrg Mkts Equity ETF  SCHE  –5.8  2.8  0.13  China, Taiwan, India  cial services and consumer stocks—
          Vanguard FTSE Emrg Mkts ETF  VWO  –6.7  2.5  0.14  China, Taiwan, India  two traditionally important emerging-
          Index                                                             markets sectors—each make up more
          MSCI EMERGING MARKETS INDEX  –4.3%  3.2%                          of the portfolio than tech companies.
          As of September 14.   SOURCE: © 2018 Morningstar Inc.
                                                                            CONTACT  THE AUTHOR AT NHUANG@KIPLINGER.COM.
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