Page 32 - Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2018
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       inducement for those who have   before they became “fully   McHugh fills his days with a mix   Adeney’s home, a 1,500-square-
       achieved financial independence.   Mustachian” and trimmed their   of leisure and work that he does   foot, mid-century modern house
       And running a business “addresses   expenditures (now, they spend   for enjoyment rather than out   that he purchased and exten-
       a lot of what people need to be   about $40,000 annually).   of necessity—he’s a CrossFit and   sively remodeled a few years ago,
       happy,” says Adeney. “It gives   Last year, she left the Air   nutrition coach, and he works on   is just a mile from the headquar-
       you access to people and a daily   Force, and she considers herself   his business idea an hour or two   ters, and he makes the commute
       challenge.”               retired. She pursues her lifelong   a day. “I don’t think I’ll ever be   on foot or by bicycle. (At last
         Alan Donegan, cofounder of   passion for dance, teaching up   retired,” at least by the conven-  count, he had spent just $105 on
       the PopUp school, has traveled   to 15 hours of classes per week   tional definition, says McHugh.   gas in an entire year.) Adeney en-
       to Longmont from his home base   and performing with dance com-               courages the PopUp staff and
       in England for the second year to   panies. She’d also like to start   The Mustachian lifestyle. Nor   students to do the same, as evi-
       present the business crash course.   a business focused on dance   does Adeney subscribe to the “TV   denced by more than a dozen
                                                                   and golf” conven-  bikes rimming the outdoor area
                                                                   tional definition of   behind the building, where the
                                                                   retirement. He be-  students relax and mingle during
                                                                   lieves that social in-  downtime. Workout equipment
                                                                   teraction and mental   is also scattered about; one stu-
                                                                   stimulation are cru-  dent fits in a few pumps on the
                                                                   cial, and echoes of   bench press during a break.
                                                                   that philosophy per-    Adeney’s active lifestyle and
                                                                   meate the headquar-  thrift go hand in hand with his
                                                                   ters. After he pur-  commitment to conserving the
                                                                   chased the building   environment and reducing
         ■ MANY FIRE                                               last year, he busied   waste. “My blog is secretly an
         FOLLOWERS                                                 himself with remod-  environmental blog,” he says.
         HAVE DREAMS
         OF LAUNCHING                                              eling the run-down   A few years ago, he wrote about
         THEIR OWN                                                 structure into a sleek,   the top SUVs for families—with
         VENTURES.                                                 modern space. Now,   a disclaimer at the end that the
                                                                   he calls it a “friend-  post was an April Fool’s Day
       Most PopUp presentations are   education for people of modest   harvesting machine” for its visi-  prank and that the best mode
       for people in areas with low in-  means. “It may not make money,   tors, including the 50 or so people   of transportation for a family
       comes and high unemployment,   but it would be well worth my   who are members of a co-work-  is a pair of bikes with trailers for
       to foster entrepreneurship in   time,” she says.    ing collective (they pay $50 a   the kids. For this year’s business
       those communities, but the   Sean McHugh, 42, is at the   month for membership, and the   school, the PopUp team focused
       course also appeals to a frugal   PopUp school to get guidance   fees cover the building’s operat-  first on inviting Coloradans to
       FIRE audience.            and feedback on his plan to have   ing expenses). He also hosts free   the event to reduce fossil-fuel
         Sarah Pritchett, a PopUp   a monthlong beach retreat in Gulf   events at the headquarters, such   consumption (and to help locals
       school student, drew inspiration   Shores, Ala., for people who want   as movie and live-music nights   form relationships with one an-
       from the Mr. Money Mustache   to turn a skill into a business or   and classes on subjects ranging   other), although about half of
       blog when she came across it   a course they could teach. Like   from weight training to computer   the attendees are visiting from
       in 2014. Pritchett, now 31, was   Pritchett, McHugh gained finan-  games, and he occasionally trav-  outside the state.
       serving as an Air Force officer   cial independence through real   els for FIRE gatherings. For the   Whatever form of FIRE a fol-
       at the time—a career that she   estate investing, a common   past five years, for instance, a   lower finds suitable, Adeney
       found rewarding but exhausting.   theme among the FIRE crowd.   group of Seattle blog readers   emphasizes that seeking joy, and
       She began purchasing invest-  He once owned several rental   have organized “Camp Mustache”   directing your money accordingly,
       ment properties to generate   properties but now has two rent-  over Memorial Day weekend, a   is a central tenet. “The whole
       income— financing them with   als that pull in about $2,500 a   retreat for Mustachian disciples   Mustachian lifestyle is not about
       mortgages and a home-equity   month—more than enough to   to learn and share ideas.  living a terrible life of deprivation.
       line of credit—and in 2016, she   cover his basic monthly living   Adeney also espouses physical   It’s about understanding what
       reached her goal of pulling in   expenses of about $1,200.   fitness. Longmont, situated north   makes you happy and cutting
       $50,000 annually from the   “I don’t make as much money   of Denver and boasting the Rocky   down your spending on what
       properties. That’s roughly the   as I used to, but my quality of life   Mountains as a backdrop, offers   doesn’t make you happy.”
       amount she and her husband   has gone way up, and my stress   abundant access to outdoor ac-
       put toward living expenses   has gone way down,” he says.   tivities, such as hiking and skiing.   CONTACT  THE AUTHOR AT LGERSTNER@
                                                                                     11/2018    KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE 41

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