Page 14 - Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2018
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       EQUITY (SWHEX), launched in 2002, fol-  category, according to Morningstar.  on the other side of the trades. GLEN-
       lows a long/short strategy of buying   Options-focused funds seek to profit   MEDE SECURED OPTIONS (GTSOX) has gained
       attractive stocks for gains while also   in part by collecting premiums on   7.1% a year over the past five years, on
       selling unattractive stocks short (sell-  stock “put” and “call” option con-  average, and has beaten its average
       ing borrowed shares with the expecta-  tracts. A put is the right to sell a stock   peer fund over the past one, three and
       tion of replacing them at lower prices).   at a preset price by a future date. A call   five years, with a five-year average
       Over the past 10 years, the fund has   is the right to buy a stock at a preset   volatility , or beta, that is less than half
       gained 6.2% annualized, compared   price by a future date. Investors pay   that of the stock market overall.
       with 4.7% for the average fund in its   premiums for those rights to investors   SEND QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS TO FEEDBACK@KIPLINGER.COM.

       Stress Relief

       Nobody likes to pay for insurance. But we do it to protect ourselves   who feels the need to be more defensive, “we might dial the whole
       from unforeseen disaster. Likewise, reducing risk in your portfolio after   portfolio down” to the next rung, she says.
       a long bull market in stocks can ensure you’ll keep more of the gains   Setting stop-loss sell orders on stocks in your brokerage account
       you’ve racked up, while giving you more confidence to stay calm when   can limit losses in a market downturn. Such orders trigger a sale once
       the next bear market arrives. Here’s a look at financial de-risking strat-  a stock falls to a price that you preset. Or consider put options, which
       egies for three age cohorts:                        grant the owner the right to sell a stock or an exchange-traded fund
                                                           at a preset price to another investor, up until the option expires.
                          TWENTIES, THIRTIES, EARLY FORTIES.   Advisers say couples in this age group should make sure they’re on
                          You have little reason to cut investment   the same page when it comes to investment risk-taking. CFP Robert
                          risk by selling stocks. You have decades   Wander, of Wander Financial Services, says it’s natural that “one
                          until retirement, which means decades   spouse will have a different risk tolerance than the other.” But both
                          to recover from temporary market losses.   should agree on financial goals and the plan to reach them.
                          The exception might be younger people
                          who expect to tap their nest egg for a              EARLY SIXTIES AND OLDER. If you are in
                          major outlay, such as a house. Whatever             this age group, capital preservation and
                          your goal, the only safe place for money            income generation (from bond interest or
       needed in a few years is a cash account.                               stock dividends) become increasingly para-
         Young investors may have better ways to cut risk than by trimming    mount because retirement is in view and
       stocks. Reducing debt is one; reining in spending to boost savings is   you’ll eventually need to make regular
       another. And for forty-somethings, hiring a fee-only adviser to do a full   withdrawals of assets to pay living costs.
       review of your finances might be an insurance policy well worth the cost.  You’ll need to consider how much income
                                                                              you’ll have from Social Security and pen-
                          LATE FORTIES, FIFTIES, EARLY SIXTIES.   sions, how much you can reasonably withdraw from investments each
                          These should be your peak earning years   year, and the most tax-savvy sequence of withdrawals from retirement
                          and also your peak investing years. But   accounts versus taxable accounts.
                          the more assets you accumulate, the   Given the potential to live beyond 90, you’ll still need some growth
                          more fearful you may become about   stocks to provide long-term appreciation. But for retirees, it’s also im-
                          losing a large chunk of what you’ve saved   portant to build up a year or two of living expenses in cash accounts
                          if markets slump. Depending on your risk   (see “Make Your Money Last,” Oct.). The idea is to avoid having to sell
                          tolerance, that may call for a gradual re-  stocks at a low if a bear market hits, depleting more of your nest egg
                          duction of high-risk assets, such as stocks.  than you otherwise would and leaving less to grow over time. With
         Laura Tarbox, a certified financial planner who heads up Tarbox   the cash cushion, you can ride out a bear market until stocks begin to
       Family Office, models most clients’ portfolios on one of four basic   recover. Considering how strong the stock market has been, if you’re
       asset mixes. Foreign and U.S. stocks account for more than 80% of   already expecting to trim stocks in 2019 to fund living expenses, “con-
       assets in her aggressive-growth portfolio, then dwindle to 64%, 48%   sider peeling some off now,” says Christine Benz, personal finance   ISTOCKPHOTO.COM (3)
       and finally, to 30% of assets in the most conservative mix. The rest of   director at Morningstar. “By doing so, you’re reducing portfolio risk,
       the assets are in bonds, cash and alternative investments. For a client   raising needed cash and rebalancing to a better comfort level.”

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