Page 10 - Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2018
P. 10


       History Lesson
        Match Your Portfolio to Your Risk Tolerance

       The portfolios below show various combinations of stocks, bonds and   1926 through 2017. The more stocks you own relative to other assets,
       short-term investments (such as cash) and how they’ve performed from   the more risk you take but the higher your potential for long-term gains.

             Conservative               Balanced                  Growth              Aggressive Growth

                      14%                10%                        5%                    15%
           30%            6%                       35%       25%
                                   40%                                                               60%

                    50%                        15%               21%

         ■ U.S. stock  ■ Bond     ■ U.S. stock  ■ Bond     ■ U.S. stock  ■ Bond     ■ U.S. stock  ■ Bond
         ■ Foreign stock  ■  Short-term   ■ Foreign stock  ■  Short-term   ■ Foreign stock  ■  Short-term   ■ Foreign stock
                       investments              investments              investments

           Average annual return  6.0%  Average annual return  8.0%  Average annual return  9.0%  Average annual return  9.7%
            Best 12-month return  31.1%  Best 12-month return  76.6%  Best 12-month return  109.6%  Best 12-month return  136.1%

         Worst 12-month return  –17.7%  Worst 12-month return  –40.6%  Worst 12-month return  –52.9%  Worst 12-month return  –60.8%
            Best 20-year return*  11.0%  Best 20-year return*  13.8%  Best 20-year return*  15.3%  Best 20-year return*  16.5%
           Worst 20-year return*  2.9%  Worst 20-year return*  3.4%  Worst 20-year return*  3.1%  Worst 20-year return*  2.7%

       *Annualized return; includes reinvested dividends.   SOURCES: Fidelity, Morningstar Inc.

       suffered by different portfolio alloca-  or risen little is a great way to meet a   discretionary companies benefit from
       tions from 1926 through 2017 (see the   basic investing goal: to sell high and   strong consumer spending—think re-
       chart above). The firm found that a   buy low (see the box on page 53).  tailers, homebuilders and entertain-
       portfolio with 85% of assets invested                                ment firms. The sector has been pow-
       in U.S. and foreign stocks and 15% in   THE RISK IN STOCKS           ered by household names such as
       bonds lost 61% in its worst 12-month   The fastest way to cut risk in a port- (symbol AMZN), Home
       period. If you change the mix to 50%   folio is to reduce stock holdings. The   Depot (HD), Netflix (NFLX) and Nike
       stocks and 50% bonds and cash, the   question is, which stocks to reduce?   (NKE). The tech sector has also been
       worst-ever loss shrank to 41%.     Stock market risk isn’t evenly distrib-  led by giants, including Apple (AAPL),
         To keep investment allocations at   uted; some shares are much riskier   Facebook (FB) and Google’s parent,
       desired levels, financial advisers say   than others.                Alphabet (GOOGL).
       investors should rebalance their port-  Since the market’s low in 2009, the   After a long bull run, many of these
       folios at set intervals, such as once   two S&P 500 stock sectors that have   stocks are highly valued relative to
       a year, if assets have shifted signifi-  risen the most are consumer discre-  earnings and other fundamental mea-
       cantly—say, 5% or more—from the    tionary (firms that provide nonessen-  sures. Market research firm CFRA in
       desired target. Trimming assets that   tial consumer goods or services),   September calculated that the average
       have appreciated and reinvesting   which was up 639% through August,   stock in the S&P 500 was priced at
       money in assets that have lost value   and technology, up 565%. Consumer   17 times estimated 2019 earnings per

       52  KIPLINGER’S PERSONAL FINANCE    11/2018

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