Page 5 - Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2018
P. 5

If you aren’t going to have a family   go out of network, but you’ll bear more
                                          member, neighbor or friend regularly   of the cost-sharing. (Or check whether
                                          visit your home, you could hire a home-  your plan offers a travel benefit that
                                          watch service, which will periodically   can maintain your coverage for no
                                          inspect your house, give you updates   extra cost for a limited time while
                                          and provide routine maintenance   you’re in another state.) If you decide
                                          (from replacing lightbulbs to removing   to return to the same place annually,
                                          snow). The price varies with the loca-  consider whether you want or need
                                          tion and size of your home but gener-  to change your health plan.
                                          ally runs about $50 per visit. To find
                                          one, visit www.nationalhomewatch  CONTACT FINANCIAL
                                 (all members are bonded   INSTITUTIONS
                                          and insured), or search the web for   Mobile banking and online or auto-
                                          “home watch service” in your location,   matic bill pay make it easy to stay on
                                          and verify the contractor’s credentials.   top of finances while away. To make
                                            For an extra layer of security, you can   sure your bank or credit card issuer
                                          install a network of smart components   won’t decline use of your debit or
                                          (including door locks, thermostats,   credit card when you’re out of state,
                                          moisture and motion sensors, cam-  call or go online to file a travel notifi-
                                          eras, and alarms) that you can control   cation (American Express and Capital
                                          from your smartphone (see “Peace of   One no longer require one).
                                          Mind for a Dollar a Day,” on page 71).
                                          Or you can hire a monitored smart-  E Check your car insurance. Depending
                                          home system, such as ADT’s Pulse   on how long you stay, you may have
                                          (starting at $99 for installation plus   to register your car in your temporary
                                          $53 per month for monitoring), which   state and insure it to the state’s mini-
                                          may earn you a premium discount   mums of liability coverage. If you
                                          from your home insurer.           don’t, and you’re involved in a traffic
                                                                            stop or accident, you could face pen-
                                          PLAN FOR HEALTH CARE              alties or your insurer could refuse
       E Forward mail and calls. Instead of   Insurer United Healthcare offers   to pay your claim. In Florida, for ex-
       asking the post office to forward their   these tips for snowbirds: Discuss your   ample, you need to register if you stay
       mail, the Engels have their son send   health plan with your doctors for any   90 days or more per year, and those
       them a package of mail every few   care you may need while you’re away.   days needn’t be consecutive. In Ari-
       weeks. If you have a landline, set it   Make sure your prescriptions are cur-  zona, you must register after seven
       to forward your calls. With remote   rent and, if possible, written for 90   months. State requirements for liabil-
       call forwarding, if it’s available, your   days. Double-check with your insurer   ity coverage are modest, and your
       home phone won’t even ring—which   that you can refill your prescriptions   coverage should already exceed them
       is good for security. The Engels use   at a pharmacy wherever you are or   (Kiplinger recommends injury cover-
       the Verizon Home Phone Unlimited   that you can mail-order them with   age of at least $100,000 per person and
       service ($30 for equipment plus $20   delivery to your seasonal address.   $300,000 per accident, and property-
       per month for service with a two-year   Take along contact information for   damage coverage of $50,000, or a min-
       contract). They’ve eliminated the   your physicians and a copy of your   imum of $300,000 on a single-limit
       expense of three landlines, kept their   medical records.            policy). Ask your auto insurer what’s
       phone number and receive phone calls   Traditional Medicare covers care   required where you’re going.
       via a wireless adapter they take with   from participating providers anywhere
       them. If you’ll have access to high-  in the U.S. (search for doctors at www  DON’T RUSH TO BUY A HOME
       speed internet service, you can use   Some snowbirds decide to buy rather
       a voice over internet (VoIP) service   With a Medicare Advantage HMO   than rent but only after they’ve found
       such as Vonage (recently $15 per   plan, you’re limited to care from in-  the ideal spot to winter. That was the
       month for the first six months).   network providers within specific   case for Carol and Phil White of Bend,
                                          regions or even one county, except in   Ore. The couple had tried wintering in
       E Have someone keep an eye on your   emergencies. A Medicare Advantage   Hawaii, southern California and Texas
       home. Notify police that you’ll be away.   PPO, however, usually allows you to   before settling on Phoenix. In 2014,

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