Page 6 - Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2018
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       after looking at more than 30 commu-  will reduce the cost of flood insur-  there, says Terry LaBant, director
       nities, they found a home in Sun City   ance from thousands of dollars a year   of wealth strategy services for RMB
       Grand, on the west side of Phoenix. It   to just a few hundred, says Rae. She   Capital Management, in Chicago. For
       had everything they wanted: friendly   advises her clients to buy the insur-  example, Oregon’s top income-tax rate
       people, good home values, a reason-  ance even if the home isn’t in a flood   is 9.9%, whereas Arizona’s is 4.5%. So
       able homeowners association fee, four   zone—something to consider in any   earlier this year, the Whites decided
       golf courses, and lots of amenities and   hurricane-prone location.  to establish residency in Arizona. (To
       activities.                         Across the South and Southwest,   compare state taxes, go to kiplinger
         The Whites paid $184,000 for a   home prices have soared and supply   .com/links/retireetaxmap.)
       1,580-square-foot home with two bed-  is limited. Buyers must move quickly   To prove that the lower-tax state is
       rooms, two baths and a den, and they   to make a winning offer, agents say.   your permanent home, you must show
       pay an annual HOA fee of $1,480. They   Sellers love full-price, cash offers that   that you live there for at least half the
       split their time between Bend and   will close quickly. If you need a mort-  year, or 183 days. The days needn’t be
       Phoenix. Many of their friends from   gage, get fully preapproved with a   consecutive, but time spent traveling
       Bend winter nearby, too. “We have   lender. In mid September, the average   from one place to another or doing
       a whole ’nother life down there that   30-year fixed rate nationally was 4.5%,   business out of state doesn’t count.
       we totally love,” says Carol, 71.  according to Freddie Mac. Plan to pay   The high-tax states that retirees
         The best time for snowbirds to buy   cash if you want to buy the furniture,   are leaving—notably Minnesota, New
       is usually in the late spring, when much   too, because lenders won’t finance it.   Jersey, New York, Wisconsin and the
       of the competition has gone home. In   Some home insurers add a premium   New England states—are losing a lot of
       summer and fall, you’ll have fewer   surcharge if you occupy the residence   revenue, so they’re aggressively audit-
       options to look at, but the remaining   only seasonally. (Be aware that before   ing retirees with homes in two states—
       sellers may be more motivated and   returning north, you’ll need to secure   even checking their purchase activity
       willing to negotiate. It’s helpful to have   your southern home, this time with a   on debit and credit cards, LaBant says.
       an agent on the ground who can search   focus on avoiding damage from exces-  As proof of residency, keep a diary
       for what you want and may learn of   sive heat and dryness or humidity.)  or log. You’ll need to get a new driver’s
       prospects before they’re listed for sale,                            license or other state ID and register
       says Dawn Rae, an exclusive buyer’s   TRIM YOUR TAX BILL             to vote. You must take steps to show
       agent in Tampa.                    With the new tax law limiting deduc-  that your new home is “where your
         The farther from the beach, the   tions on state and local taxes, more re-  heart is,” says LaBant. Move family
       less expensive the homes and the less   tirees are moving to lower-tax states,   photos, financial records and anything
       likely you’ll be in a Federal Emergency   or if they already have a second home   else you would take out of a burning
       Management Agency flood zone, which   in one, they’re establishing residency   house or wish you had. Create a new
                                                                            network, including financial advisers,
                                                                            doctors, banks, house of worship and
          Hot Spots
                                                                            country club. Give up any lower-cost
         What You’ll Pay in Rent                                            benefits of your former state, such as
                                                                            a homestead exemption or an in-state
                                                                            fishing or hunting license.
          Here is the range of average monthly rent (excluding fees and taxes) from January
          through March in four states popular among snowbirds.
                                                                            PLAN FOR THE WORST
                                                                              Whenever you live somewhere for
           State                          Condos*       Single-family homes †
                                                                            an extended time, it’s smart to get
           Arizona                      $2,500–$5,000     $3,000–$9,000     a durable power of attorney, a living
           Alabama                        800–1,500        1,000–2,500      will and a durable health care power
                                                                            of attorney written for the new state.
           Texas                          900–2,000        1,400–2,500
                                                                            Even with legal reciprocity between
           Florida (Central)             1,500–6,000      2,500–10,000      the states, the people receiving those
           Florida (East Central Coast)   2,800–6,000      3,200–9,000      documents at a medical or financial
                                                                            institution may not recognize the form
           Florida (Panhandle)            800–2,200        1,100–3,500
                                                                            used by the other state, which will
           Florida (South)               2,500–8,000      5,000–12,000
                                                                            slow things down, says LaBant. ■
         *Two bedrooms and two bathrooms.  † Three bedrooms and two bathrooms.   SOURCE: Vacasa
                                                                            CONTACT  THE AUTHOR AT PESSWEIN@KIPLINGER.COM.

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