Page 11 - Kiplinger's Personal Finance - November 2018
P. 11

share. But the estimated price-earnings   Portfolio Checkup
       ratio was 22 for consumer discretion-
       ary stocks and 19 for technology shares.   REGAIN YOUR BALANCE
       The higher the valuations, the greater
       the risk if earnings growth disappoints.
       Recall that both Facebook and Netflix   The long bull market has left many investors with a nice problem: a lot of unrealized profits in
                                             stocks. Over the past three years alone, through August, Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index
       plunged close to 20% this past sum-
                                             gained an average of 16.1% a year, compared with 9.5% annually over the past 15 years. The
       mer on concerns about their growth
       prospects.  “It was a good reminder of   hot streak means the portion of your assets in stocks, compared with other investments, may
                                             exceed your risk tolerance. The solution is to rebalance your portfolio by selling an amount
       what can happen” when market stars
                                             of stock necessary to bring your stock portion down to a comfortable level.
       disappoint, says Wander.
                                               Many financial pros advise rebalancing once a year. Start by totaling up all of your stocks,
         Some market veterans say it’s simply
                                             bonds, cash and other securities. Include assets in retirement accounts and in taxable ac-
       prudent to take profits in the stocks   counts. If you own mutual funds that hold a mix of stocks and bonds (such as target-date
       that have racked up the biggest gains.
                                             funds), check the most recent fund report to see the breakdown of assets. Once all assets are
       Jim Paulsen, chief investment strate-
                                             accounted for, calculate the percentages in each asset type. (You can also use online services
       gist at research firm Leuthold Group,
                                             such as those offered by financial advisory firms Personal Capital and Betterment for this.)
       suggests trimming Alphabet, Amazon,
       Facebook and Netflix, among others.
                                             Run the numbers. Say your calculations show you with 70% in stocks, and you want to bring
       “Congratulate yourself and let some-
                                             that down to 60%. You’ll have to decide how best to pare the equity portion. If your assets
       one else have them,” Paulsen says.
                                             are mostly in mutual funds held in a retirement account, such as a 401(k), it’s relatively simple
         Strategists at Morgan Stanley are   to shift a portion of your stock holdings into either bond investments or cash accounts, or
       warning clients that global economic
                                             both. The great advantage of rebalancing in a retirement account is that you won’t trigger a
       growth could slow heading into 2019
                                             tax hit. If the stock investments you want to trim are in taxable accounts, you may owe Uncle
       because of rising interest rates, mount-
                                             Sam a piece of your capital gains. Remember, though, that mutual funds must pay out real-
       ing business costs—such as for raw    ized gains yearly, so in a taxable account you’ve been taxed all along. That may mean your
       materials—and trade tensions. The
                                             tax hit from rebalancing won’t be huge.
       firm sees the tech industry as a likely
                                               Rebalancing is also useful among different types of stocks. For example, most foreign
       victim of weaker growth and advises
                                             stock markets have been weak performers over the past nine years compared with U.S.
       clients to lighten up on the stocks.   shares. If you think foreign issues may be relative bargains now, shifting some money from
         But selling winners is one of the
                                             U.S. to foreign stocks makes sense (see “How to Navigate Emerging Markets,” on page 59).
       hardest decisions for investors, espe-
                                             The goal of rebalancing is to lower your risk of severe loss
       cially when a company’s long-term
                                             by keeping your nest egg well diversified. “We know we’re
       prospects still seem bright. Bulls say   supposed to buy low and sell high,” says Liz Ann Sonders,
       the high prices of tech stocks relative
                                             chief investment strategist at Charles Schwab. “Rebal-
       to earnings are justified by their long-
                                             ancing doesn’t require you to time the market. You’re
       term growth outlooks. Yet that was
                                             just trimming strength and buying
       the same argument put forth before    into weakness.”
       the 2000–02 tech-stock crash. After
       that collapse, Microsoft (MSFT)
       shares took almost 17 years to get back
       to their 1999 peak—even though the
       firm was highly profitable for the en-
       tire period. It’s understandable if you
       can’t bear to part completely with your
       winners. But at least consider selling
       a portion of the shares.
         Investors whose stock holdings are
       entirely in exchange-traded funds or
       conventional mutual funds need to
       look at what’s in those portfolios to
       judge how much risk they’re taking
       and which funds may be ripe for prun-
       ing. One surprise may be just how
       heavily invested you are in technology

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