Page 23 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
P. 23

Virtual Workshops and Webinars

           Using Option 2 with ELLs as An Instrument                             Creating Space for Self-Care
        of Equity (PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5, and 10)                               (PSEL Standards 6 and 7)
        Jun. 3, 2021; 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm                                         Jun. 4, 2021; 3 pm- 4 pm
        Presenters: JoAnne Negrin, Ed.D., Supervisor of ESL, World               Presenter: Michelle Kelsey Mitchell, Director of Partnerships,
        Languages, Bilingual Education, and Performing Arts, Vineland  Pure Edge, Inc.
        Public Schools, Andrea Solange Fonteñez, Ed.D., Director of              Fee: FREE
        Bilingual & ESL, New Brunswick Public Schools, MaryAnn                   Co-Sponsored by FEA and Arts Ed NJ
        Mena, District Teacher Coordinator, Title III, Bilingual, ESL &
        World Languages, Atlantic City Public Schools                            Join us for a one-hour workshop designed to help you flourish.
                                                                                 This educator self-care session will explore the reciprocity of self-
        Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members                                         care and introduce the neuroscience of stress and its effects on the
        It is recommended that school/district teams attend this                 body and nervous system. Participants will engage in journaling
        session.                                                                 with writing prompts, breathing techniques, mindful movement,
        Individualized Student Learning Opportunities (Option 2)                 and guided relaxation strategies in the form of Breathe, Move,
        allow students to receive graduation credit for diverse learning         Rest Brain Breaks. The exercises promote educator wellbeing
        experiences. Traditionally, this option has been leveraged by            and develop the foundational Social and Emotional Learning
        students of higher socioeconomic status. In this workshop, we will       (SEL) competencies of Self-Awareness and Self-Management.
        demonstrate how districts can use this option to provide graduation  Participants identify how simple strategies can impact the ability to
        credits to ELLs who come to our districts without a traditional          manage stress, organize/focus, and identify emotions.
        educational background, thus providing them with a pathway to a          Attendees should wear suitable clothing for light exercise.
        high school diploma. Although many ELLs who arrive in our districts
        have had limited or interrupted formal education, they often have
        skills and experiences that can be mapped to the standards.

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