Page 65 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
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            Tenure and Evaluation Law                                            The course is designed to provide easy access to critical information.
                                                                                 It includes a series of real world scenarios, addressing situations at
        Fee: $15                                                                 the elementary, middle school and high school levels, and expert
        This online offering provides an overview of TEACHNJ, New Jersey’s       analysis of each scenario; an overview of research, best practices
        tenure reform law, which became effective on August 6, 2012. The         and the latest data related to suicidal ideation; a review of legal
        course also provides an overview of New Jersey seniority law. The        requirements under New Jersey’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights and
        program includes important topics such as: tenure acquisition,           other key student safety requirements; and supplemental resources
        evaluation requirements, corrective action plans, seniority law, and     and references for those seeking a deeper understanding of key
        reductions in force.                                                     issues; and An online assessment tool to ensure that all participants
                                                                                 have gained an understanding of the material covered.
            NJ’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights V2
        Fee: $50                                                                      Progressive Supervision & Corrective
        This seven-part course is a must-take for school leaders, educators,  Action Plans
        and staff. Curriculum features include the latest on HIB, case law,      Fee: $50
        discussions, and scenarios.                                              This online course will empower school leaders to effective
                                                                                 address various aspects of progressive supervision. Participants
            Employment Discrimination Law                                        will learn about legal requirements and best practices related to
        Fee: $50                                                                 the development and implementation of Corrective Action Plans
                                                                                 (CAPs), conducting evaluations and post-observations conferences,
        This eight-part online offering provides an overview of the              doing midyear CAP reviews, addressing insubordination, and
        law concerning discrimination issues that can arise in school            writing effective CAPs for a wide range of employees. All
        districts. This program contains the following topics: Overview of       participants will be able to demonstrate content knowledge
        Discrimination Law, Age Discrimination, Disability Discrimination,       through completion of an online assessment.
        ESL, Ethnicity Discrimination, LGBT Discrimination, Race
        Discrimination, Religious Discrimination, Sex Discrimination, and
        Sexual Harassment.                                                            School Law Essentials for Every Teacher &
                                                                                 School Employee
            Signs Matter: Early Detection - New Jersey                           Fee: $75
        Fee: $35                                                                 This comprehensive online course is specially designed for all
        This comprehensive course will satisfy New Jersey’s requirement          educators and educators and staff to learn the essentials of school
        for all educators to have two hours of instruction on suicide            law.
        prevention, including the link between bullying and suicide, every
        five years.
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