Page 66 - SpringSummerCatalog2021
P. 66

Getting to the Truth: A Toolkit for                                       Child Abuse Prevention
        Conducting Effective Student Investigations                              Fee: $50
        Fee: $100                                                                Ensuring the safety and well-being of all students is the most
        It is crucial that incorrect decisions are NOT made when                 important responsibility for all school district employees. This
        investigating students. This 4-hour online course is designed            course will empower you to better understand the definitions of
        to answer the challenging questions about and address the                abuse, statistics about how often it happens, what is known about
        complexities of student investigations.                                  both victims and perpetrators, steps to prevent abuse, and finally,
                                                                                 legal requirements about what to do when you suspect abuse has
            Addressing HIB Claims and Discipline for
        Students With Disabilities
        Fee: $75
        Ensuring a safe learning environment and protecting the due              Courses Under Development
        process rights of students with disabilities are critical obligations
        for all school districts. This course is designed to help school         Available Soon
        officials work through the complex maze of state and federal
        statutes, regulations and case law related to addressing HIB claims
        and discipline for students with disabilities.                                AAO Online Certificate Program

            Establishing HIB Systems, Protocols and                                   Establishing Mental Health Protocols
        Capacity                                                                 Introduction to the Connected Action
        Fee: $75                                                                 Roadmap, Strengthening Teaching, Leading,
        This course provides a strategic framework to assist you in              and Learning
        ensuring that your district is working as effectively and efficiently
        as possible to prevent, identify and respond to issues of
        harassment, intimidation and bullying.
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