Page 3 - Principal's Newsletter Term 2 2018
P. 3

From the Principal’s Desk

            DEAR PARENTS & FRIENDS                             STAFF MATTERS

            While I have been in education for a while, I      This term we farewelled two valuable
            have to admit that this term seems to have         members of our property team; Mr Les
            been one of the shortest that I have               Wright after eight years of service and Mr
            experienced for a while.  This has to be           Colin McConnell after an incredible 40 years
            because of the energy and activity that goes       employed at Rathkeale College.  While
            on at Rathkeale College.  The school literally     official acknowledgements occurred last
            never stops during term time and there is          term for Colin, it was still an important day
            certainly not a lot of time to be idle and         in the college’s history when Colin finished
            bored.  The students at Rathkeale and              last week, and we wished him well on his
            Senior College definitely respond to               well-earned retirement.
            challenges and I have enjoyed watching
            students participating and achieving in so         As a consequence of these retirements, we
            many aspects of school life.                       have welcomed Mr Dylan Price to our
                                                               property team on a permanent basis this
            The key sporting fixtures of HIBS and              term.  As an ex-parent, Dylan is well
            Christ’s College were well supported and           acquainted with the college and its
            enjoyed by us all and these were                   surrounds and we look forward to his
            complemented by the successes in the local         contributions to the property team into the
            In the second half of the term the major
            events for the performing arts occurred.  We
            have had wonderful feedback about the              ENROLMENTS 2019
            performances of our choirs in both the
            Manawatu and Wellington Big Sing festivals.        To date we have over 70 students seeking a
            This was topped off with the first ever            place in Year 9 in 2019.  Scholarship
            invitation to the NZ Big Sing Grand Finale in      applicants have been interviewed with the
            Wellington next term for the Rathkeale/St          remaining interviews getting under way in
            Matthew’s Viva Camerata Choir.  They               earnest next term.  As a result of the
            become one of only 24 school choirs to be          number of applicants, our day boy roll may
            invited to this event, a fantastic                 once again be under pressure.  The Part-
            achievement.  Choir Director Mrs Kiewiet           time Boarding policy has been implemented
            van Deventer and her team are now                  to assist the management of this if the
            enthusiastically preparing new songs for the       necessity arises.  We will keep all those
            Grand Finale and embarking on another              families that may be impacted fully
            round of fundraising to enable all choir           informed.
            members the opportunity to participate in
            this event.
                                                               LOOKING AHEAD
            To conclude the term, we enjoyed this year’s
            major production The End Of The Golden             Some of these following events may be of
            Weather with a cast and crew of 50                 particular interest and others are vital to
            students involved.  Under the directorship of      note.  Please check
            Ms Colette Nickelsen, the production     
            received positive reviews from both the            ndars-timetables/ to see all that is going on
            public and media.                                  in daily school life or, for a more immediate
                                                               response or to receive updates, check out

                                                               the Rathkeale App.  It works very well.  In
                                                               the meantime:
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