Page 7 - Principal's Newsletter Term 2 2018
P. 7
School Community
It has been a very busy and successful couple of
months for the Rathkeale Old Boys’ Association.
The Decades on Reunions held at Queen’s Birthday
weekend attracted good numbers of attendees from
the 1968, 78, 88 and 2008 cohorts. Thanks to the
hard work of the Year group facilitators, people
travelled from around the world to catch up with old
school mates. London, Macau, Papua New Guinea,
Oregon USA, Australia and all parts of New Zealand
had Old Boys attending the Friday night gathering,
Saturday walkabout and photographs, afternoon tramping and jetboating, evening dinners at
Aratoi, Masterton Club and Chans Restaurant and Sunday Chapel. Next Year it will be the
turn of those who left in 1969, 79, 89, 99, 2009.
The weekend was made more memorable by the inclusion of Old Boy Clive Akers (1967-
1971) in the Queen's Birthday honours list. Clive is recognised for his services to sports
history, his support of the national rugby museum and the publishing of a number of books
on various aspects of rugby.
Another excellent gathering was held in early June at Auckland’s Royal New
Zealand Yacht Squadron. The 53 attendees included former Rathkeale
Headmaster, and ROBA Patron John Taylor and no less than 6 former Head
Boys. Terry Brailsford spoke with authority on the Americas Cup competition.
The next Old Boys’ gathering is scheduled for Wellington and will be an
opportunity to welcome Old Boys new to the city.
The Old Boys’ Association and the College will also co-host a supporters’ function following
the Lindisfarne Winter exchange on Tuesday 31 July.
Grant Harper -President
This term the Friends have provided interval than ever, new and regular stallholders have
refreshments for ‘The End of the Golden been booking spaces already. If you are
Weather’, plus helped welcome prospective able to help in any way, please contact
parents and boys at the Open Day back in someone on Friends to let us know. Most
May. Catering is a minor fundraiser, relative important are: extra helpers on the day, and
to the fete, but we like to think it adds to donations of RAFFLE PRIZES and food
the welcoming atmosphere the school items. This is our major fundraiser, with
portrays. proceeds going towards the Sports HQ, to
which we have committed $200,000.
Raffle winners for Term 1 - Ben Wadsworth
and Jackson Woodhouse. Term 2 - William If you are interested in joining our friendly
Cameron and Pierson Tobeck. Each boy group, please get in touch. Even if you are
wins a credit of $600 towards their school only able to help with baking – it all helps.
account. Congratulations boys (and This is a great way to get involved with the
parents/caregivers), and thanks for your school on a practical level and meet like-
ongoing support of the Friends Raffle. minded parents.
Fete – 10th November 2018. Rachel Callaghan (Secretary)
Mark this in your diaries! Bigger and better