Page 11 - Principal's Newsletter Term 2 2018
P. 11
SPORTS EXCHANGES matches. We now look forward to hosting
Lindisfarne College on the 31 July.
Term 3 started with a hiss and a roar as we
hosted HIBS in the annual Winter Sport AROUND THE TRAPS
Exchange. The day started superbly with the Sam Callaghan, George Ellingham and Joe
Colts Rugby and 2 XI Hockey teams both Falloon have had a successful few months in
providing dominant victories. The Junior A Enduro Motocross taking place around NZ.
Football match was played with great Sam placed second overall and won his
intensity, sharing the honours 3-3. The 1 XI Intermediate class at the National
Football and Hockey sides had defeats which Championships in Whangamata. Joe Falloon
meant the 1 XV Rugby had to win to secure entered 3/5 National races and won each
the overall fixture, which they did, winning them which means he is currently the top
junior rider in NZ. George Ellingham has also
Queen’s Birthday weekend provided the been competing regularly in
annual Christ’s College winter sport
exchange, this year been held in
Christchurch. The tour party of 62 flew down
on Sunday, were billeted out to families
across Christchurch and played their matches
on Monday. In torturous conditions the 1 XI
Hockey team went down 0-2 very early on
but regathered themselves to take a
respectable 1-2 loss against the reigning
national champs. 1 XI Football dominated
proceedings. However, it was one of those
games and they lost 0-1 in a nail biting
clash. The 1 XV Rugby match was one to
remember breaking a 14-year drought
winning 10-3 in what was a very physical the Central Cross Country Series, doing
encounter. It is fair to say the kitbags were a incredibly well winning his class in the 85cc-
lot heavier travelling back to Masterton! 150cc.
Gus Borren, Marcus Laing and Hunter
Jacobson competed in the CSW Golf
Championships at the Royal Wellington Golf
Club in June. Conditions weren’t ideal for
golf; however, the boys’ bright red pants
made up for it on this occasion. Competing
in a team of 3, the boys probably didn’t get
the result they were after, however, Gus
The Wanganui Collegiate exchange was soon Borren shot 91 off his 18 holes which is a
to follow. Over 130 boys made the trip up to great effort considering the level of the
Wanganui with 7 teams taking the fields. playing field.
Football impressed early on in the day with
two solid victories (Junior A won 6-0, 1 XI The badminton team has spent a term trying
won 6-1) Unfortunately, the winning and to live up to the name of the ‘Rathkeale
grinning stopped there with the Colts Rugby, Smashers’ and five of our boys have done
2 XV Rugby and 1 XV Rugby teams all just that. On a 7-game winning streak Teetat
playing good rugby but falling short on the Sila, George Parke, Alex Wyeth, Zane Boswell
scoreboard. This was the same across the and Eslyn Beck have remained unbeaten in
road at the hockey turf with the 2 XI and every game against other colleges from
1 XI teams both losing their respective within the Wairarapa. Monday afternoons are