Page 9 - Principal's Newsletter Term 2 2018
P. 9
Last week I was fortunate to getting dirty in a mud run.
attend the Youth Program of The challenges, problems,
Enrichment (RYPEN). This is ideas and new experiences
a leadership program which were put in front of us,
administered by the Rotary provided me with an
Club of Inglewood at an opportunity to learn more
adventure camp which is about myself and helped
situated 10km east of develop my personal values.
Inglewood. Each attendee This year’s focus on the idea
was financially supported by of our personal ‘footprint’,
their local Rotary Club and I helped to adjust my moral
would like to acknowledge compass. Additionally, the
and thank the Masterton experiences broadened our
Rotary Club for their personal horizons; culturally,
financial contribution. physically, socially and
The weekend involved 36 academically. Guest speaker
other students aged Sam Rapira, a New Zealand
between 15 and 17 from professional boxer with a
schools around the lower very well credentialed
North Island. We were amateur career, told his
placed in situations where inspirational life story. His
our personal leadership narrative struck a chord with
qualities and group most of us as his ideas were
leadership skills were close to home. Overall, the
developed and refined. The weekend was a positive
course was totally hands on, leadership opportunity
with a strong emphasis on made possible by the local
outdoor activities such as; Rotarians.
high ropes, raft building and Archie Woodhouse
In the July term break of 2018, eight Level
3 Biology students will be spending their
holidays on a work experience adventure!
During the expedition led by Mr. Ben
Clausen, these students will be based in
Natewa National Park, which is the wildest
remaining area in Fiji. It is the aim of the
authorities in Fiji to get this area designated
as a World Heritage Site, and students will
be working with scientists and academics to
collect data to support this application.
For the first week of the expedition, they will be based in the forest of the park (living in rough
conditions!) collecting population data on the wildlife present and spend one night in a
traditional Fijian village. For the second week, the group will descend to the coast to the marine
training centre and complete their PADI Open Water dive training course. This is where they
will also study Pacific reef ecology and marine invertebrate identification.
We are very excited for this valuable ‘real world’ learning experience and an adventure we hope
to continue with Biology students next year.