Page 10 - Principal's Newsletter Term 2 2018
P. 10

                                                       Duke of Edinburgh at Rathkeale is slowly gaining
                                                       traction and it was really pleasing to have a Bronze
                                                       and Silver Award Adventurous Journey go out this
                                                       term over Queen’s Birthday. Many of the students
                                                       who have signed up are well on their way to
                                                       reaching their personal goals and badges. However,
                                                       I must encourage you to continue to log your hours
                                                       via the online portal or app as you complete each
            week. Some students have completed their hours but have yet to log them, meaning their
            badges cannot yet be awarded!

            Rory Thomson, a leaver in 2017, was presented with his Gold Award early this term and it
            would be great to announce some Silver and Bronze Awards in Term 3.

            Liam Wardman has accepted the position of Student Co-ordinator and he will be helping the
            boys log their progress, set up trainings and practice journeys as well as generally promoting
            the Award at Rathkeale.

            Please check out the Facebook page Rathkeale College Duke of Edinburgh International Award
            for updates and news or check the website  for how to join up to
            the Award.
            Currently we have lots of boys involved in hours of service, sporting and skills activities who
            are not signed up for the Award and they can easily use these times to gain their badges
            without adding to their workloads. If you are interested, please talk to Liam or Ms Evans for
            further information.


            Currently, in Level 3 Agribusiness we are ' Analysing a human resource issue affecting
            businesses' and we are looking at the shortage of shearers in NZ.  It would be very much
            appreciated if any current or ex sheep farmers would be able to take 5 mins to complete the
            survey below.  Thank you.

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