Page 13 - Principal's Newsletter Term 2 2018
P. 13

            Football has continued to be hugely popular,       boys in the 1   XIs from other  Wairarapa
            with seven teams, so much so that we’ve had to     schools. They have done well to have a 9 – 11
            run very large squads for some.  The boys have     for and against goal difference from 1 win, 1
            benefited from the expert coaching from the        draw and 3 losses.  The team are undefeated
            Wairarapa United players who come in each          thus far in their annual fixtures against HIBS (a
            Tuesday  and  Thursday  (when  it’s  not  been     3 all draw), and Wanganui Collegiate School (a
            raining!) and who sort out the moves, run the      6-nil  win).    They  will  certainly  be  looking
            side lines and referee on Saturday mornings.       forward to Week 2 next term when they will face
                                                               up  to  Lindisfarne  at  home.    Oli  Vincent  is
            The 1  XI would be right to be disappointed in
            their start to the season but are well placed to   obviously the main strike weapon scoring 7
            push on for success in the Wellington Premier      goals and Sam was Man of the Match, scoring a
            Reserve Grade.  Injuries and having to juggle      hat-trick in the 7 – 1 win over Waicol 3  XI.
            outside football commitments have, at times,       The Senior Black and White teams are two even
            stretched  coach  Cory  Chettleburgh  and          teams made up of Year 11 – 13 boys and play
            manager  Mr  Walterhouse  but they would be        in the Division B grade.   Mr Williamson  is
            happy  to  have  the  services  of  New  Zealand   enjoying taking the Black team who have
            Representatives  Thomas  Wagner  and  Scott        scored a staggering  22 goals from their 4
            Morris  (both  National  Under  19)  and  Luca     games.  The Whites, coached by tutor Dalton
            Molnar (Under 15).  Luca is off to Malaysia with   Stocks, have not enjoyed quite the same level
            the New Zealand team over the July holidays        of success despite being put through some
            while Thomas and Scott had successful tours in     vigorous training sessions.
            the  USA  in  the  April  break.    There  are  few   The final two teams are our Junior Red
            sporting codes which could boast three  New        coached by Mr Baillie, Mr Jones and recently
            Zealand Reps in a single season in one team.       departed tutor Callan Elliot and the Junior
            These highly talented boys also play for           Green coached by Mr Clausen and tutor Liam
            Wairarapa United alongside fellow team mates       Heard.  Callan (2017 Old Boy) is currently
            Stanley Archibald,  Noah Boyce  and  Jonty         trialling for the Wellington Phoenix and we
            Roubos.  The path to success in football beyond    wish him every success in pursuing his
            college is clear and begins with hard work and     professional dream.  The Junior Red are
            dedication before making the top school team.      performing exceptionally well having scored
            Whilst  not  directly  part  of  Rathkeale,  the   27 goals, and are unbeaten in their 4 games
            support provided by Paul Ifill for the 1  XI, and   in Division C.  This is thanks to the great boot
            the involvement of a large number of boys in       of Flynn Register who has scored “a bunch of
            his Academy, cannot be underestimated.
                                                               goals” and star of the team Kensei Tanamura,
            Our 2  XI is competing in the Division A grade     who only arrived into New Zealand this term
            along with the Junior A.  Mr Macri and Daniel      from Japan never having played football
            Allen have the 2  XI whilst Ms                                    before.  For the Junior Greens,
            Evans and Cameron Lindsay are                                     their captain Tim Osborne has
            responsible for the Year 9 and                                    had a huge season scoring
            10 boys.  The 2nds are making                                     over 20 goals already.  He is
            a good fist of it and have only                                   ably supported up front by
            lost once to date. Unfortunately,                                 Dylan Miles who missed part of
            they haven’t won any games yet                                    the season but is certainly
            either but are still well placed to                               stamping his mark now and
            achieve in this grade.  The                                       will look to add to his hat-trick
            Junior  A,  captained  by  Sam                                    versus Kuranui.
            Loder,  supported  by  Felix                                      Mason Summerfield - Head of
            Stephens  as  vice-captain,  are                                  Football
            doing their best playing against
            much older, stronger and faster
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