Page 12 - Principal's Newsletter Term 2 2018
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full of excitement and the boys have worked skills with teams around the region. Next
hard to develop skills such as serving, smash year we hope to double our numbers,
and drop shots in hope of outlasting promoting coaching as the universal
opponents. The boys have really enjoyed the language of change, and learning.
season and look forward to it continuing Rathkeale College hosted the Intercollegiate
next year. Look out for the final results in Cross Country. Traditionally held at Solway,
Week 10!
the new venue down at The Oval was
The Thunder has been a great name for a appreciated by both the spectators and the
team that abounds with enthusiasm and athletes themselves. Out of the 40
energy! Comprising senior boys who Rathkeale runners, several boys did very well
frequently belong to top teams in other including 3 place to Ben Wadsworth in the
codes, the Thunder lads are playing U14s race. Tom Parker managed 3 in the
Basketball for the sheer joy and exercise U15s, with Sam Loder in 2 and Kosta Mills
inherent in every game. Led by Oliver in 1 . The U16s was a tough battle with
Donaldson and well supported by a core
group of about eight regulars, they have
offered real challenge to the other teams in
the competition and their support of each
other knows few bounds. Whilst victory has
proved elusive the team is certainly enjoying
itself and hope of a win springs eternal! The rd
Rathkeale A basketball team has experienced Oliver Hammond taking 3 and Noah Boyce
a season of mixed results. They have come convincingly running in 1 . Max Spencer
up against extremely talented opposition finished the day winning the Senior Boys’
and gave an honourable account of race in a hard-fought battle. The top runners
themselves throughout, never giving up and from this event went to the Wellington
fighting till the very end of each game. Not Regional X Country in Upper Hutt, followed
only have the players learnt a lot about by the National Championships in Taupo.
basketball and the skills required, but also And finally, Rifle Shooting has made a great
about playing in a team environment with start this term. Tuesday evenings the boys
students they may not have interacted with are transported to the Rifle shooting club
previously. The team consists of boys from based in Masterton. They receive help and
all age groups and hopefully the senior guidance from the staff there and have all
players’ knowledge of the game has rubbed improved immensely since the start of the
off on the juniors and stand them in good term. Their hard work will continue in Term 3
stead for seasons to come. as competition time gets closer. There has
already been a small in-house competition
which the head of rifle shooting organised
with the St. Matthew’s girls and the
Rathkeale boys, they received certificates
with their personal best scores. The boys are
enjoying the sport and are looking forward
to continuing in Term 3.
Coaching Hub Wairarapa held a student We continue our winter codes in Term 3.
coaching day at the YMCA in Masterton. 11 Matches start to become more important,
boys attended the course with Rugby, fitness will be crucial, and support from our
Football, Hockey and Basketball on offer to sidelines will be essential. I look forward to
the boys. They began by leaning the seeing you out there!
etiquette of coaching, before splitting up to Scott Day - Sports Coordinator
their respective codes. It’s great to see boys
Jack Pallister and Liam Quirke using these