Page 12 - Demo
P. 12
How does a pregnant or nursing woman determine that the fast might harm her baby?What is the ruling on how a pregnant or nursing woman can make up for the missed fasts if the days were missed on account of her own health?What is the ruling on how a pregnant or nursing woman can make up for the missed fasts if the days were missed on account of fear of harm to her baby?A.What is one opinion and what is the evidence?B.What is a second opinion and what is the evidence?C.What is a third opinion and what is the evidence?D.What is a fourth opinion and what is the evidence?E. What is a fifth opinion and what is the evidence?What is the detailed analysis of the first opinion that states that a pregnant or nursing woman only has to make up the missed days?What is the detailed analysis of the second opinion which states that a pregnant or nursing woman only needs to pay the fidya of feeding one needy Muslim person per missed day?What is the detailed analysis of the third opinion which states that a pregnant or nursing woman needs to make up the missed days and pay the fidya?What is the detailed analysis of the fourth opinion which states that the pregnant or nursing woman does not need to make up the days and nor does she need to pay a fidya?What is the detailed analysis of the fifth opinion which states that the pregnant woman needs to only make up the missed days and the nursing woman needs to make up the days and pay a fidya?Which opinion is best to follow?Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. CONTENTS616161616262626262636465655466