Page 10 - Demo
P. 10
If a person travels to another area with the intention of staying a very prolonged time, such as a student of knowledge traveling to Raleigh from overseas and planning on staying several years, would he be allowed to take the concession of a traveler?What if the student travels back and forth during that time period from Raleigh to his home country?How would a traveler make up the missed fasting days of Ramadan?What if a traveler had a legitimate reason for not being able to make up missed fasts before the next Ramadan?What if a traveler has no legitimate reason for not being able to make up missed fasts before the next Ramadan, such as due to laziness and procrastination?Scenario: a traveler misses 5 days of fasting in Ramadan and dies 3 months later without making the days up. What should be done?How do we end fasting the month of Ramadan if we start the fast in one place and end the fast in a different place?Sickness While FastingWhat is the definition of a sickness which allows a person to break their fast?Is an intention needed to break the fast on the initial start of the sickness?Is a daily intention needed to not fast the subsequent days of the sickness?Does a person with a chronic illness need to attempt to fast?Does a person who does not fast due to a chronic illness need to pay a kaffara?Does the fidya need to be paid day by day or as a lump sum? and when?Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. CONTENTS5051515152525354545454555555