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                                    What is the evidence for one who takes the opinion of fasting according to the horizon in one's region?What is the evidence for those who take the opinion of unifying the commencement of fasting and just using one horizon as reference?Prerequisites of FastingWhat are the prerequisites of fasting?What are the conditions of fasting due to Hanafi?What are the conditions of the fast according to Maaliki?What are the conditions of fasting according to Shafi%u2019i?What are the conditions of fasting according to Hanbali?Which conditions of fasting have all the scholars agreed upon?Is purification from janabah required to start the fast?Is intention required for every day in the month of Ramadan?Sunnah Acts of FastingWhat are sunnah acts of fasting?Is it permissible to fast without suhoor?Is it permissible to delay iftar slightly just to be on the safe side?Is it permissible to supplicate with duaa other than the authentic duaa from the Sunnah if one has not memorized the authentic duaa?Is the reward for feeding those who are fasting specific to the poor, or is it general and inclusive to family and friends?Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. CONTENTS2626282828282929293030303031313232
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