Page 9 - Demo
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                                    Traveling While FastingWhat is the evidence that travel is a legitimate reason that allows a person to break his/her fast during Ramadan or an obligatory fast?What is the definition of travel?Can a fast be broken by a traveling person who started traveling after fajr and during fasting hours?Is it permissible for frequent travelers to break their fast?Is a person obligated to break their fast if they go on travel?What about the people who never break their Ramadan fasts despite having hardships? Would their fasts be invalidated?What if the above case was for non-Ramadan fasts, such as fasting on Mondays and Thursdays and the six days of the month of Shawwal?When is he allowed to start breaking his fast?Once the man gets to his destination at the hotel in Georgia, is he allowed to continue breaking the fast?What if he knows ahead of time that the trip will last more than 4 days?What if he does not know ahead of time how long the trip will last? Can he break his fast the entire length of time?Is the majority opinion strong enough to adopt pertaining to length of time allowable as a concession to a traveler?The traveler arrives back home in Raleigh at 10am. Can he continue not fasting?Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. CONTENTS4747474748484849494949505050
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