Page 17 - Demo
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What is the ruling for a person who has asthma and needs to utilize an inhaler while fasting?What is the ruling for using a suppository (type of medication that is administered through the rectum) while fasting?Is it allowed to take insulin while fasting?Should a diabetic person fast?What is the ruling on using non-nutritive antibiotic eye drops and contact lenses solution (antibacterial and cleansing) while fasting?Does having a blood test taken have any effect on the fast?Does blood donation break your fast?Is it permissible Islamically for a person to break his fast because his work schedule is difficult?Does cupping invalidate fasting?FidyaWhat is the fidya amount that needs to be paid by a person who generally is able to fast, but a legitimate chronic reason prevents them from doing so now and anytime in the future?Does the fidya amount need to be paid in food or cash?Can the fidya be given to both Muslims and non Muslims?I%u2019tikaf What is i%u2019tikaf?What is the purpose for the i%u2019tikaf?Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. CONTENTS81828282828383838385858585868686