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                                    Is i%u2019tikaf a sunnah or an obligatory act of worship?Can i%u2019tikaf be done in any location, such as the home, a workplace, a hotel room, etc.?Can i%u2019tikaf be done in any masjid?When would our Prophet pbuh begin his i%u2019tikaf during Ramadan?When would our Prophet pbuh end his i%u2019tikaf?What are the pillars and conditions of doing an i%u2019tikaf?Must a person complete the full ten nights of i%u2019tikaf to get the reward?What is the minimum time a person can spend in seclusion for it to be considered an i%u2019tikaf?Does i%u2019tikaf only pertain to Ramadan?What are actions that invalidate an i%u2019tikaf?What are examples of emergencies where a person in i%u2019tikaf can leave the masjid temporarily and then return to the masjid to complete the i%u2019tikaf?If the person had to leave the masjid for a necessity does he have to renew the intention when resuming the i%u2019tikaf?Can a person leave the masjid to take a shower at home to get rid of the sweat and to change clothes?Does i%u2019tikaf only pertain to a person who is fasting?If a father has family obligations, can he still perform i%u2019tikaf?Is it permissible for the wife or children to visit their dad while he is in his i%u2019tikaf?Is it obligatory to make up the i%u2019tikaf if someone broke it during the ten nights?Copyright %u00a9 2023 Islamic Association of Raleigh. All rights reserved. CONTENTS8687878787888888898989909090909191
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